15. Soup

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I went out immediately after my VR with Seungmin. 

The clouds above my head look menacing and the cold wind is picking up yet my resolve to adopt a puppy is strong and I continue to push through the wind and the crowd of people rushing down the sidewalk.

I put my phone to charge and just grabbed my purse before storming out of my apartment into the upcoming storm outside. And now I curse myself for not bringing an umbrella as the clouds get darker by the second.

I'm already halfway to the pet shop but a sudden downpour wins this race, the cold droplets hitting my face like needles, curtsy of the wind.

"Ah, fuck!" I curse aloud, running to the nearest shelter, which is a bus stop. "Rain in January? The weather sure has changed..."

I look up at the plastic roof of the bus stop, the raindrops drumming against the thick transparent material. But the wind changes direction and blows the rain right onto me again. I clutch my jacket, pulling it closer to my body.

I was looking forward to telling the cute pet shop owner that I've made my decision and that I want to adopt a puppy and deliberately not tell him about his appearance in my VR.

But that plan failed and now I'm stuck in the middle of the street, getting drenched by cold winter rain. My phone's back home so I can't call for a cab and there's literally no one on the street so I look like a fool, standing and shivering all alone at the small bus stop.

There's no use in waiting for the rain to stop so I tighten the grip on my jacket and make a run for it, my vision getting blurred by the cold water.

My apartment building is two streets away and by the time I got home... I'm soaked to the bone.

A sneeze shakes my whole body as I'm taking off my shoes and dripping jacket. I don't waste time and hop into the shower, letting the hot water soothe my cold skin. But my nose is already runny and a shiver is not leaving my body even after I dry my hair, put on warm pajamas, and tuck myself under the soft blanket. My nose turned from runny to clogged.

I feel tired from running in the rain but I take my phone of the charger regardless.

"One VR won't hurt... I will rest after... Make some tea and stuff..."

And the few taps later, I feel my body buzzing and see the sparkles dancing in front of my eyes.


I barely open my eyes, feeling my head weight a ton. I try pulling the air from my stuffed nose but the process makes my head proud harder.

"Ugh..." I grunt and pull the blanket closer to my face.

I hate being sick.

I close my eyes again but a beeping startles me and I realize the thermometer beeping under the blanket. I pull it out of my left armpit and stare at the numbers.

"Great..." I sigh and turn off the small device. A high temperature is the last thing I need.

Fever takes over my body and I cough dryly, shriveling on the soft bed that feels as if I'm lying on pile of old bricks.

The door of my room opens, soft footsteps mixed with clinking of glasses. I'm too tired and sick to move.

Someone comes and kneels in front of me. I open my eyes to a smiling face but close them again when his soft hand cups my damped face.

"Babe, you're burning... I brought you the medicine."

I grunt and slowly shake my pounding head.

"You have to take it, love. It'll make you better."

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