14. Puppies

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Those three scenarios I encountered yesterday made it easier for me to go through my day. It felt great meeting the boys for the first time and developing our relationship from the beginning but I'm kinda sad that more of our relationship didn't fit in those assigned 30 minutes.

I hope for a new encounter today as I roam around the town, enjoying the buzz of the people with a smile on my face. Window shopping is one of my favorite pastime activities but my feet halt at one specific store, my smile melting into a cute pout as I aww at the small animals in the shop's display.

"Cute, aren't they?"

 A sudden voice startles me and I look up at the brown-haired young man placing a chalkboard by the shop. He's wearing the work uniform with the store's logo and a paw decorating the left side of his shirt. His smile is cute and his eyes are on me but my reserved and shy self only knows how to nod and blush.

The boy chuckles. "They came in this morning. Golden retrievers are our most wanted. They are up for adoption, if you're interested."

My eyes return to him. "Not for sale?"

He lightly shakes his head but his smile doesn't waver. "Nope. These are rescues. We also have some kittens, if you're a cat person."

"Your store rescues pets from the shelter?"

He nods. "Exactly. People tend to stop by here rather than going to the creepy shelter. Our store is more appealing than that dump."

"That's true... Your owner is doing these cuties a huge favor..."

"Haha, thanks for the compliment. I'll let myself know."

My jaw drops. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were..."

The guy laughs again, waving his hand. "Nah, don't be, I'm used to it. People think that I'm a plain employee just because of my age but I'm proud to run this shop on my own."

I nod in understanding, snippets of my scenario with Jisung last night making this moment seem like a deja vu.

"Well..." I return to watch the puppies playing behind the glass, "I'd like to get one but my apartment is too small for an energetic retriever..."

"But it doesn't take away the fact that they're great companions and comfort dogs," the guy shrugs, and my doubts are playing around like a seesaw.

"Hmm... maybe some other time, thank you," I smile and turn away, quickening my walk before I change my mind.

I hurry to the grocery store, buy the things I need, and return home, all while having cute puppy faces and doe eyes flashing images in my mind.

"No!" I huff and plop on my bed, wanting to relax from my whole day's walk and distract my mind from cute doggos.


I press the side of my body closer to my boyfriend's, squeezing his hand in his jacket's pocket. October air is chilly.

"Okay, where to now?" he asks and I look up from his shoulder, smiling cutely at him.

"Bookstore at the mall."

He grunts and rolls his eyes, returning his head to the front as we're walking down the sidewalk.

"You already have thousands of books on your TBR shelf that you didn't read. Plus, I bought you that series you begged me for and you still didn't touch it."

"I need to finish the one I already started but, Seungmo, pleeeeaaseeee~" I whine and he shakes his head.

"No," Seungmin replies firmly and I cling to his arm.

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