6. G E N T L E M E N?

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Author pov

Somewhere in a pitch black dark room the sound of moaning and grunting can can be heard from a distance.

The room is full of noisome and musty smell.

There are different kinds of equipment set in a corner.

A little bulb is hanging in the air giving a dull view of someone.

A man is lying on his chest on the floor surrounded by his own blood pool ,

coughing harshly and clenching his teeth from time to time to make the pain less but things ain't working for him today.

His hands are chained with metal cuffs making him difficult to move .

He tried to lift himself up, but another strike of the nail pierced stick to his already torn skin Made him dump on the floor once again.

Blood is oozing out of his mouth now.

"Aaagghhh.......I.I didn't do anything -i..I am sorry sir" he said while breathing heavily, shivered because of the gaze another man was giving him .

"You didn't do anything?" Another man asked who was sitting in the chair looking at his lifeless body boringly ,as if it's just a game.

He tilted his head to the left looking psychotic and dangerous but his voice sounded calm and poised which made the injured man more scared than he already was.

"I am sorry- I am sorry sir..I'll tell you I passed the confidential documents to-to...the enemies " the injured man anxiously answered him .

his fear is coming to reality.

"Hn, So you know your fault. Then you must take responsibility . Right??"

"Yes ,yes sir....I'll tell you....everything about them -the enemies..but please....please,leave me " he said breathing heavily and coughing

He knew the consciences of his deeds.

The man was trying to Move back in fear, creating a clinking sound in this process, but couldn't move further back because of the chains he is tied with.

At the same time The man stood up abruptly from his chair , one hand in his pocket while indicating his personal assistant something from his eyes.

His assistant understood immediately and followed the instruction .

He wasted no time in pouring the salty water on the injured man harshly that also contain pieces of glass.

"Aarrghhhhhh" the injured man screamed his lung out but everyone present in the room turned their ears deaf while the boss of the men is smirking in satisfaction .

The satisfaction of brutally torturing someone before killing them mercilessly.

The satisfaction of someone screaming beacuse of the pain caused by him.

Indeed a monster.

He left the dark place and walked to the corridor, followed by his P.A

He could hear the screaming of the man from the corridors .everytime the water hit the injured man, he find the peace in his mind hearing his screaming .

"Get the information of whichever enemies he was working with and Do not kill him before I order ,just remove his body parts one by one with each passing hour and pour salt in every cut he gets ,even if it's the smallest "
he ordered his P.A .

His tone sounds as if it's the most sweet thing to say but his posture holds the dominant and authorative aura. A lurking danger.

While his P.A ,also his right hand man had a poker face listening to his boss's order but he is screaming inside his mind listening to his cruel words.

Walking through a dark corridor and stairs his P.A was explaining to him about new project's detail .

they entered the living room which is dull but looking lavish at the same time .

the floor has grey-bluish designer marble .

the whole interior is of a dark theme but has a royal touch .

"Ok.scedule a meeting with all interested shareholders "he sat on the giant black sofa folding his sleeves while crossing his legs.

"And Give me the recordings"

His P.A nodded and gave him an iPad and left from there giving him privacy .

His aura changed automatically when his P.A left.

He looked at the screen with such love and adoration that one would think that he didn't order to cut a person in pieces just an hour ago

A small smile appears on his rock hard face looking at his love,

his gauri ,working in the office dedicatetly .

His eyes are admiring her every move .

to him, she is looking like an angel to him.

he can only find elegance in her every move .

indeed a beauty to behold. he thought.

'what are you doing to me I can't work without thinking of you every day.

Did you do some black magic on me love? Why do I think of you even when I am miles away from you? Now I can't live distant from you .

I want to find myself beside you ,close to you .

you In my arms ,hugging me....but don't worry love, you will me all mine very soon .' His smile becoming more prominant now.

By arim~

(843 words)🫠

How was the ch?

Who is he???👀😅

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