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Choosing is not always easy regardless if it's place or people

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Choosing is not always easy regardless if it's place or people. It takes time to' whether it is right for us or not' .there are good or bad options but the most dangerous is not making choices at all .

I explained about the whole interior of the venue and my designs to the couples.

After visiting 3 venues they finally like this one .

this venue is itself looking extravagant and quite royal .plus the resort just in the distance of some minutes is bonus point.

"Your designs and concepts will give it a modern touch .wow, my wedding is going to be magnificent." Preeti captures the whole area in her dreamy eyes and clapping her palms in the air,looking exuberant.

"We will choose this one then." Arnaz said .

I nodded and started the discussion with the venue planner after the couple took their leave because their family will be arriving today .

so they have to make arrangements and welcome them.

"This is too costly ,decrease the price "

I tried to say in a stern tone to the venue planner.

"It's ok. This amount of money is nothing .I can afford it." Devansh said in a commanding tone grabbing both of our attention.

He was all quiet while visiting all the venues but hopefully remaining evening will not go the same.
I thought.

"No, it's not ok.you may be rich but shouldn't you spend your privileges and advances accordingly??" I didn't like the idea of spending money unnecessarily even if a individual have a ocean of riches to splurge .

I get engrossed in arguing with the planner again.

We had a heated argument for like 15 minutes over the price rate while devansh was just looking at us ,standing like a extravagant monument.

"madam this is the actual market price,I think you didn't check before coming here. "

"I know the actual market price rate , you think I am a newbie to not check the actual price before reviewing the place ?" He shut his mouth listening to this and made faces .

we finally booked the venue and I look high raising my chin only to see a beautiful sky casting spell on me.

The sky is adorned with orange and red hue as the sun is going back to its horizon.

Pushing my thoughts aside we moved toward the car and when I saw only 1 car something strikes my mind and realisation come within me .

I had to go with Devansh in the same car? No.

Not so long ago I came to know about the feelings of me crushing over him which is still a unknown verdict .

and if I choose to sit next to him in a car all alone ,just him and me ,then I fear my unknown feeling would come out and spread like a wild fire that might cause destruction .

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