7 .H I M

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that's all I am asking (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

Thanks for reading my gibberish btw .enjoy✿]

I am walking to my private plan

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I am walking to my private plan.

it's currently 4 am in the morning and my assistant is saying something but not paying heed to his words I am shamelessly imagining her.

my squirrel.

her long black silky hair ,cute small eyes, that soothing voice and plump cheeks and that smile on her face .uff!

The urge to see her from close is increasing with each passing minute in my heart.

not from afar hiding in bushes ,not in cameras, not in pictures--But face to face.

I settled on my seat and opened the macbook " Cancel my today's meeting and re-schedule It to next day." I said plainly. More like clodly .

"But sir... Today is your important meeting with Mr.Armani. he want to change some major things in his contract.....his P.A told me that he is going abroad tomorrow and will not come until next year!!"

"Then,Terminate his contract." Easy peasy .right ?

"But sir....." I glare at him and he shut his mouth instantly.

I don't want any disturbance today when I meet my litttle squirrel.

Unknowingly my mind went to that day when I first saw her , in the football field .

she was looking like a grumpy squirrel

her luscious hair was flowing in the air freely and her soft arched brows were affix together while she was looking at her hands on her lap.

She was wearing a beautiful white top and a comfortable kind of jeans which I get to know after searching for an hour, is called flared jeans.

And with those sneakers on She was looking sassy and angelic at the same time.

I bitterly scoff at the very thought of how that day was best day of my life but the worst day at the same time.

i divert my mind and again filled my mind with her thoughts.

Uff, I can't ever forget the way she made her grumpy face .

every time the wind blows her face hard, she squinted her already small eyes giving me heart attack after another.

Till this date she has the same effect on me .

she is like....

she is like a drug to my calculative brain but medicine to my afflicted heart.

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