9.F I R S T T I M E

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Sorry for the late update guys, I've been very busy lately that's why I couldn't make upto time.

Please read and enjoy.

Don't forget to vote and comment. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

"Vinay ,give the list to the caterer which I send you,right now and the top 5 dishes are special ok

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"Vinay ,give the list to the caterer which I send you,right now and the top 5 dishes are special ok.tell him to do his best in it tomorrow and don't get late in the venue"

I am working in my laptop ,sitting in study table while giving instructions in phone to one of my colleague.

It's been 6 days since we we made reservation of the venue.

Tomorrow is the engagement and I am checking if everything is in its place or not .

I was about to put the phone ,when it started ringing.

It's almost evening and the scorching sun is going down and the orange-red hue is illuminated in my room from the window .

An unknown number is displayed on my screen .

I picked up nonchalantly.

"Hello?" When no voice came for 2 min from the other end, I look up at screen to check if the call get turned off.

It was not hung .I asked once more,placing the mobile between my shoulder and ear,still working on my laptop

"hello. Kon?"

".....Me" a soft but husky voice reached my ear sending shivers to my skin and making my baby hair to stand in my neck.

I abruptly straighten my posture but because of this my phone fell making me go in panic mode ,when I lift my phone fastly, I saw the call cut .

still looking my phone in daze, open mouthed while my eyes big as they can be.

What just happened,he called me for the first time and I cut the call.

My mind started to overthink while still looking at the phone

'will he call back ?'

'i should call him back,afterall it's my fault'

'what if he will not call back '

'will he block me for this,the rudeness of mine to cut the call of the king of udaipur'

'but it's not my fault that he always gives me butterflies in my stomach whenever he talks to me and sounds like that'

I come out of my thoughts when the phone started to ring and the same number displayed in my screen.

Hue of pink covered my pale face and my eyes shine seeing the number.

I stand from my place and twirl in rhythm of the ringtone,completely forgetting my current situation.

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