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Chase POV(boarding plane-on plane)

What did I just do! I mentally hit myself repeatedly in the head. Real smooth Chase, Real smooth! Well I bet she knows now. So what!? By the time she's no longer sugar high, she probably won't remember it anyways.

"I call sitting next to Elaine!" Sam practically screams to the entire, yet empty, plane.

"Ok, fine but don't let her have any more coffee," Aurora says jokingly.

"I could say the same to you," Sam says while putting his and Elaine's bags into the overhead bins. Elaine slides into the seat closest to the window and Sam sits down next to her. After Aurora has tried to put her bag in the overhead compartment but failed due to the fact that her bag practically could've crushed her and she is not the tallest person I've ever met, she goes into the seat across from Elaine and I sit down next to her.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Elaine asks way to loud and hyper. Sam reaches to take her coffee jokingly before saying, "I don't know, I brought some cards but I don't really know what we would play."

"We could play truth or dare, KFM, would you rather or top five instead?" Elaine asks, slightly quieter this time. Please fasten your seatbelts and turn all electronic devices off. Please put all seats in the upright position and remain seated. We're preparing for takeoff.

"Oooo, we're about to fly!" Aurora says in a voice that sounds like she's a 5 year old getting a birthday present that she loves.

"Aurora, you gotta calm down," I slowly say as if I'm speaking to that 5 year old.

"But it's exciting," Aurora whines.

"Shhh," I say while holding a finger to my lips.

Our flight to Switzerland is about to take-off.

"Wait! Switzerland? Aren't we going to Greece?" Aurora says concerned.

"Yes, but we have to fly to Switzerland then from there fly to Greece," I explain to her.

"Ohhhh ok good," Aurora says while nodding her head in an understanding way.

"So, which game do you guys wanna play?" Elaine says eagerly, "I just thought of a new game too!"

"Okay, calm down but what is the new game?" Sam says while hopelessly trying to calm Elaine down.

"So, it's a game where someone says the name of a person or something along the lines of most likely to....blah blah blah inset there so on. Then, the rest of us either say the name of the first person that comes to mind when either thing is said." Elaine says happily.

"Okay that's confusing but I'm sure we'll all get the hang of it," Sam says nodding towards Aurora and me.

"Sure, let's play," I say to Elaine, "you can go first."

"Okay, most likely to take over the world," Elaine says.

"Aurora," Sam and I say at the same time before we all start laughing.

We play this game for about a half an hour longer before finding something else to do. After 5 hours of playing various games, ordering different foods and watching The Hobbit we all put in our headphones and decide to sleep for the last 3 hours of the plane ride.

When I wake up, there's only 30 minutes left until we land. I make sure to stay quiet and not wake up the others. But, then I look over at Aurora and realize she's already awake and adjusting the music on her phone.

"How'd you sleep?" I whisper to Aurora.

"Pretty well, considering we're on a plane." Aurora quietly whispers back.

Attention, we will begin to land. I will ask that all electronic devices should be powered off and place your seat in the upright position.

"Should we wake up Sam and Elaine?" I ask Aurora.

"Yeah," Aurora says back as she hold a finger to her lips as if to say "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

I immediately stop what I'm doing and wait for Aurora. She leans across the table and yells "boo" in Sam and Elaine's ear. She quickly moves back to her seat as if she never did anything.

At the same time, Elaine and Sam both say "Chase!" in angry tones.

"It wasn't me," I say while putting my hands up defensively.

"Yeah okay," Elaine says sarcastically.

"Seriously guys I swear," I say trying to convince them it wasn't me without blaming Aurora. I look over at Aurora and she just grins. Who knew so much evil could be contained in such a small girl.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while nothing would post from my laptop so I had to send everything to myself and update using my phone😢 New update coming soon!! Thanks for your reading!
Till next time! xx

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