The good, The Bad and The Chase

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Chase POV
I walked around the ballroom, looking for Aurora. I finally found her talking to some guy in a mask by the side of the stage. I stopped, dead in my tracks as the guy wearing the mask leaned down and kissed Aurora. What scared me the most was that she didn't push him away. He put his arms around her back and pulled her closer to him. That's when a single tear fell from my right eye and slowly slid down my check. I pulled my jacket sleeve over my hand and wiped the tear away. I just lost the only thing I had ever loved. There was no time to be sad, I had to move on.

Third Person POV

Aurora pushed Drake away from her and took a step backwards right as Chase walked over to a girl near one of the dining tables. Aurora muttered a sorry to Drake before she turned away from him to look for Chase. She looked left, then right only to see Chase with his hands around a blonde girls waist with his lips pressed to hers. After seeing this, Aurora walked over to where Elaine and Sam were sitting and talking at a different dining table. When Aurora approached them, her face looked so shocked and pale it looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Aurora, what's wrong?" Elaine asks with a pause between Aurora and what.

"It-it's Chase," Aurora stutters.

"What do you mean?" Elaine asks while shaking her head.

"Uh, Elaine, I think that's what she means," Sam says while gesturing towards a still kissing Chase.

"Oh my god," Elaine says, shocked after looking at Chase, "Sam, can you please go talk to him?"

"Sure," Sam says while pulling out his chair and walking towards Chase.

When Sam is standing directly next to Chase, the girl pulls away from Chase and points at same Chase says his goodbye to the girl before turning towards Sam.

"What is wrong with you?" Sam asks accusingly once the girl is completely gone.

"What do you mean?" Chase responds in a harsh tone.

"Why would you kiss some other girl the day after you told Aurora you liked her?" Sam asks in an equally harsh tone.

"Who's the guy Aurora was kissing, then?" Chase responds as his voice begins to slowly crack.

"What guy? Chase just take a breath and tell me what happened," Sam says trying to reason with him.

Chase told Sam the whole story and once he did, Chase stormed out the ballroom doors while Sam walked back over to the table where Elaine and Aurora were sitting.

"Aurora, who's the guy in the mask?" Sam asks in an accusing tone.

"Sam, she already told me and it's not what you think," Elaine says.

Aurora and Elaine explained to Sam how he had kissed her and she pushed him away. Sam couldn't believe it. Chase had made a huge mistake and kissed this girl as a way to move on from a girl he wasn't ready to lose. Sam shook his head and thought about what he should do. Elaine sat at the table, still paralyzed from what had just happened. Aurora pulled out her chair and ran out the ballroom door, leaving Drake to walk over to where Sam and Elaine were sitting.

Third Person POV

As Drake walked over to the table where Elaine was sitting, she started to get up and rush towards me, crushing me in a bear hug.

"DRAKE YOU LIVE IN GREECE NOW HOLY CRAP WE SHOULD'VE TOLD YOU WE WERE COMING HOW ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Elaine says in one breath before continuing to crush Drake in a bear hug.

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