Truth or Dare?

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Elaine POV

                As Byron walks back to the table we all burst out into a fit of laughter.

                "Aw, come on guys, it wasn't that funny," Byron says before laughing himself.

*Bell rings* Detention is over so Aurora and I head out of the school doors.

                "Bye guys," Aurora and I simultaneously say.


                As the girls leave, the guys and I decide to go back to Chase's house and continue our game of truth or dare, without the girls.


                "Alright guys, let's head downstairs," Chase says as we walk into his house. Chase has a one story house with a basement. The basement is carpeted, has a TV and is the size of an average living room, so it's where Chase spends most of his time. Chase begins walking down the stairs and Logan, Byron and I all follow behind him. When we get downstairs, Chase and Byron sit on the couch, I pull up a bean bag chair and Logan sits on the ground.

                "Alright guys, you up for some more truth or dare?" I ask them all.

                "Sure, who wants to go first?" Byron responds.

                "I will," Logan says cheerfully while raising his hand far above his head, "Chase, truth or dare?"

                "Truth," Chase responds.

                "Give us 5 hints about your crush," Logan says with an evil grin.

You'd think Chase would tell all of us who he likes but he's only told me. I would've assumed he would've told Aurora, he tells her everything. But I mean he can't really tell his own crush he likes her so every time she asks him who it is he just tells her he doesn't have a crush.

                "Okay, well uh, she has brown hair, she's in our grade, she's a friend of ours, she has hazel-ish eyes and she gets good grades," Chase replies nervously.

                "Those are such lame hints, I could've thought of better ones then that," I say to Chase in a joking tone.

                "Shut up, Sam," Chase growls back.

                "Okay, okay, it's your turn," I say back to Chase.

                "Okay, Logan, truth or dare?"

                "Dare," Logan confidently replies back.

                "I dare you to ask out Elaine," Chase says with an evil smirk. Chase knows I like Elaine, him and Aurora are the only ones that do. I glared at him as if to say I hate you, I will get you back.

                "Fine, I will at school on Monday," Logan replies.

                "Logan, I'm taking your turn," I tell Logan, turning to Chase. Revenge is sweet.

                "Whale fine," Logan says in a jokingly annoyed tone of voice.

                "Byron, truth or dare?" I ask mischievously to Byron.

                "Dare, wait truth, no I'm gonna stick with dare," Byron unsurely replies.

                "I dare you to ask out Aurora," I say with a "ha! In your face" tone, directed at Chase. Who looks over to me and glares angrily.

                "Ok, I will ask Aurora when Logan asks Elaine," Byron responds, "My turn, Sam, truth or dare?"

                "Truth," I respond.

                "It's your turn to give us five hints about your crush," Byron says and I immediately regret choosing truth.

                "She has brown hair, blue eyes, is in our math class, doesn't like anyone and is friends with all of us," I say nervously to the guys but quickly change the subject, "Chase, truth or dare?"



Truth or dare to be continued. Thanks for reading!

Till next time xxx

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