Libraries and Star Gazing

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Aurora POV

We all walk out the front doors of the hotel to get on the bus. There are a few other students from our class on the bus with us. I sit next to the window with Elaine next to me and the guys sitting in the 2 seats in front of us.

"Guyssss this is so exciting!" I exclaim cheerily.

"Aurora it's been like a long time since you had coffee. Hasn't it worn off yet?" Sam says before laughing.

"Maybe I'm just always this excited when we we're in Greece. You'll never know," I say back to Sam.

"Alright, I guess being excited about being in such an awesome place makes sense," Sam says, understanding my excitement.

The bus ride takes about 10 minutes and the view of all the mountains and farms on our way is unbelievable. We all point out some of the places that we want to go to while we're here and try to remember them.

Once we arrive downtown, the bus stops with a screech in front of a small shop. After we step off the bus and then, it drives away, we stop and just look at everything in front of us. The people walking, the birds chirping and all the small shops and restaurants.

"Let's go there!" Elaine exclaims while pointing towards a place with an old wooden door in the front and barn style windows.

"Okay," the rest of us agree.

We cross the street at a 4-way intersection, nearly getting hit by a car and walk down the sidewalk for a bit before we arrive at the shop with the old wooden door. Elaine turns the handle on the door and begins to push it open. The door slowly opens up to a room with blue painted walls, filled with dusty books. It's a library. There is an older women sitting at a desk on the exact opposite wall from the door. She's reading a book but looks up at us to put a finger to her lips before continuing on with her reading.

"Don't you guys think this place is a little creepy?" Chase says, worried.

"That's the beauty of it," I simply say back.

Elaine and I continue walking and turn down one of the aisles to see the rest of the bookshelves. Sam and Chase slowly follow behind us. We are almost at the back of the library when Sam trips and goes to grab a book to steady himself. He ends up pulling the book off of the shelf. I reach down and pick up the book. It reads, "The True Story of Theseus and the Minotaur." I opened the book and flipped through the pages. There were sketched pictures on the old pages and this version of the story seemed remarkably different than others that have been told.

"Aurora, are you seriously reading that?" Chase asks me.

"Yes, why? Is there an issue?" I question him.

"No, but will you read anything?" he asks back.

"Only if I want to," I say with a shrug and look back down at the book.

"Guys, we don't have to long before we have to check in and eat dinner," Sam says.

"Okay, should we head out?" Elaine asks.

"Yeah, just give me one second," I say to them as I walk over to the lady's desk to check out this book. After I've checked out the book I turn to them and say, "Okay, let's go."

We walk out of the big wooden door only to find it raining outside. Sam and Chase both walk back under the sidewalk awning while Elaine and I walk out into the rain.

"C'mon guys stop being such wimps," Elaine says while glaring at them. They walk out from underneath the awning while muttering "fine" under their breath. We walk back across the street to a restaurant called "Athena." The doors are white with golden details and doorknobs. There are a few tables outside on the sidewalk that seemed to be getting soaked with water. We enter the restaurant and wait for someone to show us to a table.

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