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"Swaus." Nick said as he waddled through his bedroom door. He had the waistband of his shorts pulled all the way up to his chest, giving him the worst moose knuckle known to man, with an inflatable SpongeBob head on. 

"Nick bro you have got to stop." Isaac said through breathless laughter. "Please Nick I cannot breathe." Juni was dying, tears pricking her eyes.

Nick waddled back out of his room, to then open the door once again, "Swaus." Juni had to leave the room her chest hurt so badly from laughing.

"Where'd Juni go?" Nick said, fixing his shorts sitting back in his chair. "You were practically killing her dude." Tanner giggled out. "Guys I went to get water it's okay. Oh hold on, brb." Juni stated as she turned her microphone off. Though, she still had her headphones on, so she could still hear them.

"Isaac can we introduce Juni to Yumi?" Nick asked. "Yeah! Isaac that would be so fun! We could like, I dunno, play Gartic?" Tanner added on. Isaac sighed, "I don't know if Yumi is busy. But if he isn't, go for it. I think they would get along well."

"Hey, guys I'm back. Also, who's Yumi?" Juni asked sitting back in my chair and opening my water. "You heard us?" Isaac asked. "Yeah" She stated taking a sip of her water.

"He's just one of our friends we met online. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I think y'all are the same age?" "He's 20 too?" she asked. "Yeah I'm pretty sure, lemme add him real quick." Juni hummed in response.

She noticed Isaac and Yumi to the groupchat, though he didn't join for at least thirty minutes afterwards.
She was talking about how terrible she was at siege when he joined.

"Bro, I'm only level 11, HOW AM I THIS BAD?" Juni yelled out, not even noticing Yumi joined the call. "Level 11 on what?" he asked. A collective 'Hi Yumi's came from the call. "She's somehow level 11 on siege still after like what, two months?" "YES BRO I DON'T UNDERSTAND." She whined out the ending of that sentence.

Yumi just laughed. "You know Juni, Yumi plays siege too." Larry says, coming back from doing god knows   what. "Larry where even were you?" I laughed out. "I was shitting bro leave me alone." He fake cried.

"Juni add me on seige right now." Yumi demanded. "Sir yes sir." She said, saluting to her camera. The boys laughed at that.

"So Yumi, this is Juni, she lives in Georgia and just turned 20 recently." He hummed in response. "Yeah I stream and make content on Youtube like these dickwads." She said as she accepted Yumi's friend request on seige, immediately joining his invite.

"Juni you love us and you know it." Nick said, winking at his camera. Larry and Tanner made 'ooo'ing noises while Juni fake gagged. "Whatever, Yumi what do you do?" "I do the same thing the 'dickwads' do except i'm just better than them." All the boys started making noises to deny his words.

"Juni, Yumi also lives in Georgia and also just turned 20." "Wait that's actually insane." Tanner said. "Y'all are friends with me and him, how did you never know this?" She laughed out. "You know how they are Juni." Yumi also laughed.

After a few hours Juni grew tired and noticed she had to film tomorrow with her friend who came down recently. "Alright guys, I think I am out for tonight." Juni yawned out, rubbing her eyes. All the boys whined as Isaac spoke up, "What are you doing tomorrow?" "Well Schlatt came down so we are gonna film tomorrow." She said.

"Alright, we'll message you later, maybe even call tomorrow night?" She hummed in response. "Alright well I love you guys, good night!" A collective 'goodnight' came from the call. As she ended the call she felt a weight of drowsiness bellow upon her. She immediately began to get ready for bed.

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