3 | again, soon

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Ever since that night Juni has felt closer to Blake than ever. She never understood what happened, just that she felt an enormous sense of energy wave over her whenever he got brought up in a conversation.

"Oh Blake? I love him he's hilarious." Juni would respond. She did love him, in friendly way of course. It has been about two months since they met each other. Since that day the two of them have been planning to meet.

Though that day has now arrived. Juni's heart was racing as she drove to the cafe they planned on meeting at. They both agreed to have their first hangout very simple, from there they could go to each others houses or even go to a movie or something.

Driving she played some music to lessen the tension she's created herself in the car, but really it did not help. She messaged Blake before getting in the car telling him how nervous she was, "It'll be okay, I promise I'm not criminal." He responded to her message. Now that she is driving she's realized that him being a possible threat is not the problem. It's that fact that she finds him cute.

Not cute like she wants to date him since they hardly know each other, but cute enough to make her nervous. She didn't want to think about the fact that she found him cute, she thought it would ruin her thought on him if she continued to think that way.

Pushing the thoughts aside, she finally arrived to the cafe. She sent him a message, which he responding saying he was already inside. As she walked into the small building she felt her palms growing clammy and her heart began to race. She reached for the door taking in a deep breath before opening it. "Welcome in!" The man at the counter yelled out. She gave him a soft smile before averting her gaze to the tables to try and find Blake.

As soon as she spotted him she noticed how different he looked in person than what she imagined. He was very tall, practically towering over her. His brown hair looked soft and illuminated under the bright lights in the cafe. He wasn't lanky but had some muscles on him, Juni was a sucker for muscles.

She smiled as she made her way over to him, she practically skipped to the tall man. As she approached him she swore he grew an inch with each stride in her step. She looked up at Blake, smile bigger than ever, "Hi." was all she said before she engulfed him in a deep hug.

He bent down putting his arms around her waist, hugging her back. "Hi Juni." She swore she could feel him smiling against her neck. He smelt strong of musk and fruit, his skin was soft. As she pulled back she held his shoulders, taking in the expression his face was making.

"How are you?" He asked her, she smiled. "I've been very good." He nodded, "Your nervousness subside?" She nodded as well, "Yup now that I'm actually in-front of you." They walked up to the cashier together, side by side. Juni felt his warmth as they walked together.

"Hello you two, What could I get you guys?" He looked at them back and forth. Blake looked down at Juni indicating for her to go first, "I'll have a caramel iced coffee." She said, then looking at Blake. He spoke, "I'll have the same thing." The cashier nodded, "Will that be it?" Blake nodded as Juni spoke up, "And two chocolate chip cookies please." She said smiling. Blake smiled as he then concluded saying that was all they needed.

Juni tried to pay but Blake refused, slightly pushing her aside making her pout. She slowly shoved a ten dollar bill into his side pocket on his shorts. The cashier noticed this and laughed to himself making Juni smile. After they paid they returned to the table Blake was originally sitting at.

"So." he said. "So?" "You look different than i expected." he responded. "I thought the same thing about you Blake." He smiled as she said his name. He loved the way it rolled off of her tongue, but why was he thinking this way? "Yeah you're a lot shorter, and I mean a lot shorter." He giggled as she slapped his hand. "It's not my fault I was born this way." She said while pouting.

The two of them continued talking realizing how easily they bonded, they were meant to be friends. Juni was so shocked they never met before this moment. Throughout the continued small talk and bickering here and there over whether or not the cookie was good. "I love the cookie." Blake said, "It's too chocolatey." Juni responded. "ITS A CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!" Blake said raising his voice as they both laughed.

As their laughing subsided Blake spoke, "You know me and my friends are hosting a party at my house soon." She perked up, "Really?" "Yeah I was hoping you could come." She nodded, he smiled. "I'll go, just message me whenever it is." Over the past hours or so, the sun began to set and they both realized they had to film later that day to upload a video in the next day. Agreeing to film something together with the boys, they decided to leave.

"Message me when you get home safely Juni." Blake said while his words were laced with worry. "I promise I will." She smiled. They both exchanged a hug before leaving each other. Juni breathed in as they did, she loved how sweet he smelled. As they pulled back they smiled once more. "Bye." "Bye Blake." Juni said as he walked away from her moving towards his car, she did the same towards hers.

As she closed her door she sighed, laying her head on her steering wheel accidently making it honk. She looked around noticing Blake in his car laughing at her. She narrowed her stare, flipping him off. She laughed to herself as she pulled out of the parking lot, going home.

Juni reminisced on how smooth their first hangout went. Smiling to herself as she drove. She noticed her phone buzzed in her pocket but decided to not respond until she made it home safely.

Once she arrived she picked up her phone, opening it. 'New Message from Blake' read across her phone.
As she opened it she realized how sweet of a guy Blake truly was.

Blakie Poo

Blakie Poo
that was super nice btw
hope we can do it again, soon :)
also don't fucking sneak money into my pocket i paid for a reason dumbass
check ur right back pocket

Juni rose her eyebrow as she reached into her pocket, opening her hand there laid the ten dollar bill.

June Bug
fuck u

Blakie Poo
love u too

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