7 | photos

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"Wake up love birds, everyone is here." Was the first sentence Juni woke up to. Jumping up immediately she ran towards Tanner and Larry. Unfortunately when she did leap to her feet, she woke up Blake as well. His agitated attitude dispersed once he spotted Tanner and Larry. Running towards them, engulfing them in a hug with Juni in the middle. Juni felt so loved being in the center of their hug, realizing how long she's been dying to meet everyone.

"Okay guys our mom van is ready for us." Nick said, breaking us apart as we walked towards the car rental areas. Getting the car wasn't a hassle at all, the only problem was how immature everyone was in the car. Nick and Isaac were in the front, Juni and Blake in the middle, and Grunk, Larry, and Tanner in the very back. Having the boys mess with Juni from the back was very annoying considering how she stayed up until twelve in the morning to catch the flight there.

Once they arrived to the airbnb it was beautiful, but Juni's only concern was sleeping. As the boys messed around, filming the house, Juni made a be line to one of the rooms, not caring which one she grabbed. She swore that as soon as she hit the bed she was knocked out. God how could one girl sleep this much in one day?

The boys watched as she ran into the house, truly confused.

"What's up with her?" Tanner asked Blake, "She's just super tired." They looked at him sympathetically, "Is she gonna be okay?" Blake nodded, "Yeah she'll be fine, just let her sleep until we go out." The boys agreed to leave her alone, though after a few hours Blake went into the room she was sleeping in to check in on her.

He slowly walked to the bed, admiring how calm she looked asleep. Shaking the thought out of his mind he bent down to see if she was okay. But he was shocked to see her open her eyes and smirk at him. "Wow you must really like stalking me." She giggled out, watching as his face grew red.
"I was just checking in on you." He mumbled out, watching intently as she reached a hand to his face brushing his hair away from his eyes. "Your hair has gotten so long." She said still playing with it.

He closed his eyes, wanting to live in this moment forever. Taking note of how soft her hands were and how gentle she was with his hair. But of course, good things always come to an end. "Guys it's- Woah." Isaac said staring back and forth between the two of them. "Isaac why are you so shocked, it's not like we are making out or having sex." Juni said mischievously, laughing at how shocked both Isaac and Blake's faces looked.

"Okay well what I was going to say is that it's eight and we are about to leave to go get food. So if you're gonna get ready go ahead and do so." Isaac said as he turned around making his way out of the door. Blake watched as Juni rolled out of bed making her way to the bathroom, keeping the door open, and because he had nothing better to do, he followed her.

He sat on the counter watching Juni fix her hair and do her makeup. He wasn't worried about what Isaac would say to the boys after walking in on them acting like a couple. Only reason is because he loved Juni. He couldn't figure out if it was the tiredness talking, or his actual feelings.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Juni smiled at Blake, watching as he looked away. "Well can I actually?" Taken aback, Juni stumbled over her words. "I uh yeah I mean go for it." She watched as he reached for his back pocket, taking his phone out. She swore he was some sort of angel sent from heaven the way he acted around her. He slowly started taking photos of Juni, getting every angle possible. She started blushing at his acts.

"Not to be weird, but you're so cute." He said, watching her smile. "Thanks." She mumbled out, face red. He started taking up close photos of her. "I think you have enough photos." She said watching as he shook his head. "Nope, I don't think I do." She yanked his phone out of his hand, making the rolls reversed. She watched as his smile frowned, "Yeah how does it feel now." Giggling, she put his phone down and continued to get ready.

"Okay guys we are ready." Juni said walking out of the room, Blake right behind her. They all walked out of the house, making it to the van where the arguing commenced again. "Fucking hell, Tanner and Larry in the middle, Juni, Blake, and Grunk in the very back. Now get in the fucking car." Nick yelled out after a few minutes of bickering.

Once they all got situated in the car, they made their way to Denny's to eat. As Juni was sitting there staring out the window she felt her phone buzz in her lap.

Blakie Poo

Blakie Poo
you smell super good

June Bug

Blakie Poo
come on

She giggled, closing her phone as she leaned her head on the window. Though she felt a hand weed its way into hers, she looked down smiling. Blake's hand felt so normal in hers, like it was meant to be held by him and only him. She grabbed her phone with her other hand, messaging him again.

Blakie Poo

June Bug
you think you're so slick

Blakie Poo
but u love it

June Bug
i guess i do

Closing their messages she shifted, thigh touching his. She untwined their hands, grabbing his and placing it on her thigh. Smiling as she held onto his arm. Looking up with a smirk she noticed how shocked he was. Giggling as Juni placed her head on his shoulder. She opened her phone once more, going to her camera roll. Immediately met with a plethora of blurry photos of her.

She opened her camera app, taking a photo of his hand on her thigh. Immediately sending it to him.

Blakie Poo

June Bug
u freak

Blakie Poosaved for later

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Blakie Poo
saved for later

June Bug
i'm snitching

Blakie Poo
but i think my hand looks good on ur thigh

Blakie Poobut i think my hand looks good on ur thigh

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June Bug
thanks for ruining the moment

Blakie Poo
u love me

June Bug
nuh uh

She closed her phone, looking up at him seeing him already staring at her. Seeing him smile down at her was a picture in her head she would never forget.

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