5 | absolutely

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Waking up way too warm was the least of Juni's worries, and to Blake it didn't phase him as well. Though once Juni fully woken up, just then did she realize the reasoning to why she was so warm.

Blake's arms were gently wrapped around her waist, one snaking its way up to the ends of her hair, playing with the strands. Her eyes widened as she began to slowly shift to get out, though she woke up Blake at the same time. He was still groggily holding onto Juni as she tried to get him up. "Blake, you're holding onto me." He pushed himself away from her, jumping out of the bed. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Juni." She giggled, shaking her head. "It's okay, If I'm being honest I was very comfortable." Blake blushed, making Juni laugh harder. He mumbled a deep 'fuck you' as he walked into the bathroom. Never in Juni's life did she expect to find morning voice attractive.

She shook the thought out of her head as she walked into the kitchen, she noticed how messy everything was and searched for the trash can. Once she found it she went around throwing all the trash away. Blake walked into the room right as she went to grab a cup, to which he ran to her and took it out of her hand. "Go get ready Juni." She scoffed, "Do you have an extra toothbrush?" He nodded, "It's on the counter waiting for you." He smiled, to which Juni left the living room walking towards his bathroom.

Once she got in there she freshened up. Brushing her teeth, brushing her hair, and washing her face. Once she was done she walked back into Blake's room, searching for something comfortable to wear. She rummaged through his closet, banking on a hoodie and a pair of sweats. The hoodie was black with a Yumi strawberry logo on it, the sweats were just normal and grey. She threw her converses on as she walked back into the living room to meet with Blake.

Once he laid his eyes on her, his eyes lit up. "I hope you don't mind me wearing your clothes. I didn't have anything else." She looked small compared to his clothes, they practically engulfed her. She looked so comfortable, which she was. He blushed, shaking his head. "No it's fine, I knew you were going to have to barrow my clothes." She awkwardly changed the subject, "Are we getting food? I'm starving."

He eagerly grabbed his keys, moving to make his way to the door, Juni right behind him. He opened the door making Juni go out first, which she obliged. They got into the car, proceeding to fight over who got aux, Juni won.  She doesn't know but he let her win, he wanted to see what her music taste was like. And he would never admit how much he enjoyed listening to her music, noting in the back of his mind that he would forever let her have aux.

"What do you want?" Blake asked her, to which she shrugged, "Surprise me." He got to a random cafe, ordering two bagels, one black coffee, and a caramel iced coffee. He remembered her order, which she smiled at. "Can I also get a cookie." He ended his sentence off. Juni practically squealed, she adored trying different cookies. As they got the food and drinks, Juni grimaced at the sight of Blake downing a plain black coffee. "Yuck." "Juni I don't want to hear it, half of your order is full of sugar." All she did was roll her eyes.

Blake wouldn't tell where he was taking them, which itched at Juni's brain. "Come on please just tell me." She said dragging out the 'please'. "Juni you'll see soon, just be patient." He was telling the most impatient person to be patient. She tried to ignore the urge to guess random places around Georgia by taking a bite of her cookie.

"This is so good, try it." She said shoving the bitten cookie into Blake's face. He side eyed her as he took a bite, eyes widening at how good it was. "I genuinely didn't expect it to be that good, normally that cafe is prone to crumbly cookies." She ignored his statement by smiling contently at her delicious cookie. Every so often Blake would open his mouth, asking for another bite. Which she complied to, giving him bites every so often. This went on until the cookie was gone.

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