8 | soft beds & even softer hands

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Dinner practically flew by for Juni. She couldn't tell if it was the tiredness that she was so irritated about, or the fact she let her guard down being with the people she loved more than the world. As she was sitting at the table enjoying her warm pancakes she felt a hand snake into hers. She looked up at Blake seeing him smiling as he spoke to Nick about filming and content creation. She was so happy she swore to was going to explode.

"Juni?" She heard from in front of her, looking up she was met with the gaze of Grunk. She smiled at him, "Yeah?" He had a very thick layer of concern washed over his face. "Are you okay?" He asked sympathetically, "Blake said you were super tired earlier." Juni squeezed Blake's had in hers, as a way of thanks. "Yeah the jet lag is hitting way too hard." She smiled, "But I promise I'll be back to my normal self after a long night of sleep." "Promise?" He asked sticking his pinky finger in front of them. Her smile grew bigger as she rose her pinky, interlocking it with his, "I promise."

"Good cause I'm gonna kick all of y'all's asses at top golf." Isaac chimed in, completely ruining the moment. "Isaac you've never even won a single game of put-put, do not even." Larry said scoffing while Tanner was giggling right next to him. Juni watched as Isaac began to pout while Nick rubbed his back in a jokingly soothing way. 

From there to the end of the wonderful dinner experience Juni was knocked out, head on the table. Once she finished her pancakes and noticed everyone else wasn't even done with their food she took it as an open invitation. As she was in out of sleep she heard Tanner ask Blake a question.

"So Blake." He looked at Tanner, "Yeah?" The rest of the boys stared at Tanner knowing exactly what he was about to ask. "What's up with you and Juni?" Blake's face grew red. No one realized Juni was in fact awake. Though Blake knew since she reassuringly squeezed his hand. "What do you mean?" Tanner shrugged, "I dunno y'all just seem so, close?" Larry laughed, "He's trying to say y'all look more like a couple than just friends." Isaac nodded to his remark. "I mean y'all looked so in love when I walked into the room earlier."

Blake's eyes grew wide as Nick questioned what Isaac just said, "What happened in the room?" Isaac smirked, leaning back in his chair lightly. "They were making out." The table erupted in shocking noises, Blake finding a way to budge in. "No she was just playing with my hair." Larry looked at Isaac confused, "Is that true?" Isaac sighing, he responded, "Practically making out."

Since the conversation dispersed Juni took that as her queue to "wake up". "What's going on?" she asked groggily. "Nothing!" Everyone spoke in unison trying to ignore the topic. She felt a buzz in her lap, picking up her phone to see who it was.


they were asking if u and blake are a thing
shhh don't let them know i said this

i know grunk i wasn't actually asleep

well can i ask u something

go right ahead

what r u and blake
if u don't mind me asking

i think we are closer than friends

She heard Grunk gasp, everyone averting their eyes to him. "Sorry, got a good grade in calculus." He smiled awkwardly as everyone groaned.

keep it on the low

trust me your secret is safe with me

thank you

now can u PLEASE get us out of this stupid dennys

i'll try ;)

"Alright let's pack up shop, we have the OTK house to raid tomorrow." Everyone agreed, getting up quickly. They all made sure to tip the nice waitress well since they felt bad for how big of a party they had.

The car ride was a blur. All Juni remembers was laying her head on Blake and she swore in ten second tops they were back to the house. She ran inside claiming the bathroom in the room she was in before. She made it in taking a quick shower. After her warm shower, dressing in a large baggy shirt and short shorts, she made her way into the living room to see where everyone was. Though to her surprise they were having a group meeting.

"What's going on?" She asked quietly. She looked around the room, catching Blake staring at her. She watched as he winked at her, blushing, she looked away. "There's only five bedrooms and there's seven of us." She shrugged, "I don't mind sharing if we need to, I mean I've slept in the same bed with Blake once and it wasn't weird." Queue the crazy comments now, "YOU WHAT?" She sighed, face palming as she walked away into the kitchen to get a glass of water, too annoyed to deal with them.

Once she came back she snarkily asked, "Y'all done being dumbasses?" The all pouted nodding their heads as Blake spoke up. "I told them what actually happened." She smiled taking a seat next to Larry, peaking her head over his shoulder to see what he was doing. "So what's the plan?" She asked, eyes still on Larry's phone. "We just assumed you and Blake would be good together, Me and Tanner were gonna take the other bed." Larry said from beside her. That leaves Isaac, Nick, and Grunk to their own rooms. Which made sense since Grunk was a minor and both Nick and Isaac demanded their own space from the get go.

"Alright well Im going to bed, night guys." Juni said making her way back to her room. She walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth. When she made her way back into the room the lights were off. She called out to the darkness, earning a grunt in the distance. "Blake?" She went to turn the lights on as a large hand reached for hers making it impossible to turn it on. "Stop I don't have pants on." Before the person spoke, Juni could tell it was Blake by the size of his hands and how soft they were. "We'll hurry up you perv, this is my room too." She said sarcastically, crossing her arms. "Loose the attitude before I kick you out."

Juni went silent waiting for the queue to turn the light on. Once she felt Blake let go of her hand she took that as a sign, reaching for the switch. As her eyes adjusted she was met with the sight of a shirtless Blake before her. Quickly covering her eyes as he laughed at her childlike behavior. "Juni I'm sleeping like this, get used to it." He said making his way to the bed, laying down.

Juni nodded, face still red as she made her way to the bed as well. Laying down side by side wasn't new, but it felt new to both of them now. Juni could feel the warmth as his thigh brushed against hers. She was yearning to hold him. Blake was aching to hold Juni, obsessed with the way his hands fit so perfectly on her waist that one night. He needed to feel it again.

"I don't want to sound weird." Juni spoke up, "But is it okay if you, I dunno, hold me?" She turned to Blake, seeing him just staring at her as she started getting anxious. "It's just you make me feel so comfortable and I'm really struggling to sleep right now-" She went to continue her thought but was met with Blake's chest as he grabbed her by the waist pulling her into him. "Shut up." He mumbled out through her hair.

Juni fell asleep for the fifth time that day to a very soft bed embraced by the warm hands of the boy she oh so loved. Never wanting to forget the memory of them laying in bed together, hoping that the next few days would end like this one.

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