11 | strawberry kisses

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"Juni, Juni wake up. The food is here." She groaned softly as a hand rested in her hair gently playing in an attempt to wake her. She slowly blinked her eyes open to be met with the soft gaze of Blake. She immediately covered her face because of her embarrassment, though, that was quickly soiled after Blake eagerly lifted her hands off her face. He was met with rosy red cheeks of the girl before him, smiling softly as he stood up, turning on his heels. She watched as he disappeared into the kitchen, a few seconds later he reappeared with a greasy paper bag and a cup of some sort of drink.

She propped herself up on the couch, reaching her hand out to receive the food as Blake slowly descended it towards her. "What is it?" Juni ask quietly, as if there was a barrier keeping her from speaking above a whisper. Sitting up to make room for Blake, their thighs touching. The heat warmed her, "Just a burger and fries, something simple." Blake smiled at he, watching as she opened the bag, pulling out a fry and feeding it to him.

The entire group sat quietly around the living room, never daring to even speak to one another. Juni could tell the room was off, but not in a terrible way. Kinda like they were all so tired and couldn't bear even moving their lips one inch. She was wondering if Blake said something to the boys about his plan, fully worried on what they thought. Little did she know, of course he told them, how couldn't he.

On the way to the restaurant he told them all in the car, not trying to make a scene. "I think Im gonna make a move on Juni tonight." He said silently, though his attempts of the quiet barrier was cut short. Loud cheers and pats on the back applauded the car. "We are so proud of you man." Came from Isaac followed by a, "Yeah tell us how it goes." From Nick. Of course this sweet moment came to an end because of the immaturity levels of them all. Jokes of them fucking and what not ruined the mood.

But Blake didn't want that, at least not tonight. He grew so close to Juni he couldn't even imagine doing something so big like that in the moment. Way too filled with fear to even consider making a move that big. He just wanted Juni to know how much he loved her. To see how much she loved him. He felt a sickening sweet swarm of butterflies erupt in his stomach. God the things that girl did to him.

"I'm heading to bed, night guys." Grunk was the first to leave, followed by Tanner and Larry. She swore the room was getting calmer. "I think that's my queue." Nick says disappointingly after loosing against Isaac in the mobile game they were playing. "Don't stay up too late." Isaac said getting up, "We have a podcast to film tomorrow." As he left the room he patted Blake's Shoulder.

"That was weird." Juni giggled softly, averting her gaze to Blakes face. She watched as he softly smiled under the illuminating light of the tv before them. "They're always weird." She swore she looked insane staring at him this way. She just couldn't stop staring. He looked so beautiful, like a sunset on a summer day. It drove her mad.

She looked like a puppy in front of him. Eyes dilated so large you couldn't even make out what color her eyes were. "Hi." he said softly, shifting so his whole body is facing hers. Their legs brushed up against each other due to Juni having her legs pulled to her chest, hugging them. "Hi." She smiled back.

"You look very pretty, like always, but still." She could tell he was nervous. "Thank you, you look adorable as ever." She smiled out, reaching her hand to mess with his hair. She watched as he messed with his hands nervously, picking at the skin around his nails. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly, reaching her hand out to hold his. Blake nodded vigorously as his gulped down all the words he wanted to say just then.

"Yeah it's just, I dunno." He bit his lip trying to get his words straight so he didn't make a fool out of himself in front of Juni. He swore she was inching closer to him, breath hotter than ever. "Juni?" he asked exasperated. "Yeah?" "I love you." That was the last thing said in the room before their lips engulfed one another.

It was sweet, soft almost grounding. Time stopped around them in a chance to savor the moment even more than before. Eventually they broke apart, lips wet and reddened from the kiss. "Wow." Blake gasped out, almost like the kiss took every ounce of breath from him. Juni shifted back, adjusting herself since she knew she looked like she had just ran a marathon.

Clearing her throat she spoke up, "I know this may sound sappy but I'm so thankful for you being in my life." She brushed a stray hair from his face before she continued, making sure his eyes were on hers. "I just enjoy every moment we have ever had and I am so happy I met you and that you have let me experience you as a person." Her cheeks were even redder if that was possible. She reached out for his hand, holding it tightly as she hugged him.

He smelt like strawberries and sweat, as if that kiss was equivalent to a workout for him. "I think you're the sweetest girl ever." He said muffled against her neck. Juni giggled out, "We sound love sick middle schoolers." Once she calmed down she pulled back, staring at Blake.

"One more?" He asked almost like a little kid, way too excited. He watched as Juni nodded her head, slowly leaning forward until their lips met once again. It was just as soft as the one before, but more understanding. "Okay are you ready for bed?" Juni asked, jumping up to her feet. Blake nodded, reaching his hand out for Juni to help him up.

They both were smiling like nerds, absolutely engulfed by the butterflies in their stomach. This time as they went to bed, they held each other like the meant it. They didn't rely on the forces of the world to pull them into one another's embrace in the middle of the night. Content with the kisses and confessions they shared that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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