6 | texas

290 13 5

Juni swore the world shifted in a way that made time pass by way too fast, because next thing she knew, her and Blake were standing in line checking into their plane.

Each step feeling like a thick layer of energy wash over her. Blake swore she had to have taken every drug to make her feel this energetic at twelve at night. They decided to book their flight late at night so they got there early in the morning.

As they boarded the plane and approached their seats they noticed a girl who looked about in her twenties in Juni's seat. Blake politely walked up to her, tapping her shoulder. "Hey sorry to interrupt but you're in our seats." She looked up lovingly at Blake which made Juni's face turn. "Oh you can sit with me." "No but you're in her seat too." "Okay and? She can find a different seat, you sit with me." She said smiling at him. They both just stood there staring at the girl who clearly thought Blake was attractive.

Blake grabbed Juni's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "Excuse me but we paid for those seats just like how you paid for your own seat, so please get up so we can make it to Texas. The last thing I want to deal with is the fucking attitude of a a snobby girl at one am." Juni said smiling at her, attitude clearly laced within her words. The woman was so shocked she got up angrily and stomped towards her actual seat.

Once she got up Juni walked over, plopping in her seat contently. Blake was still just sitting there, staring in shock. Juni looked up confused yanking his hand to sit down with her. He just turned at her, mouth still agape. "Blake I swear to god if you don't close your mouth I will kill you." She said face plain and straight. He shook his head, "Sorry, right. That was just.. Juni you're so quiet I was not expecting that." She whined, "What? You think I'm some small petite girl who can't do anything on her own." She said smirk covering her face, laughing.

Blake grabbed her hand, squeezing it. "Loose the attitude before I put you with that girl again." Juni opened her mouth, about to go off on him. Though Blake rose his hand up, covering her mouth. He leaned close to her face, "Say one more thing Juni I swear to god." Juni smirked, finding it hilarious that she got under Blake's skin. She licked his hand, making him jerk his hand away from her face.

"I'll shut up if you let me put my head on your shoulder to sleep." She smiled sweetly. Blake put his arm around her shoulder, hand gently leaning her head on his shoulder. She smiled as she doze off, not even the turbulence could wake her up.

Though when she did wake up it was due to the light shining through the plane window. She felt warmth coming from her side. As she went to stretch she accidently woke up a very grumpy Blake whose face was hidden in the nook of her neck. "Sorry." Juni whispered out, to which Blake snuck his hands around her waist, squeezing him closer. She noticed how he lifted the middle arm rest up so he could be closer to her. She smiled softly.

She looked up at the screen on the back of the seat in front of her, '3 minutes to landing' it read in bright letters. She nudged Blake, "Hey we are about to get off." She looked at him lovingly, which was weird but she could care less. She knew that from the eyes of a random stranger they would look like a couple, but for some reason, she felt soft at the feeling of them being a couple. She quickly brushed the thought off.

Blake shifted as he blinked his eyes open, looking up at Juni smiling. "Hi." He smiled out, taking his hands off her waist to stretch. "Sleep well sunshine." She smiled back. Nodding, he took a sip of his water, gathering their things to get off the plane as soon as it landed. Juni noticed, helping him. Though when she reached for her water their hands brushed against each other. Her eyes widened as her face grew red. Blake just looked at her giggling.

"How are you getting red over that, I was literally sleeping on you a few minutes ago." He laughed out. Juni grew even redder, covering her face. "Juni come on." Blake said deeply, reaching to uncover her face. "I'm just kidding." He smiled at her, making her smile back. "Attention we will be landing very soon, please put your seatbelt on." The lady on the intercom said, clearly tired.

Pulling them out of their trance, they began to get their things together. Juni was so confused, what was going on with her? Blake would be lying if he said he wasn't questioning the same thing. What were they?

As the plane landed they knew that it was a question that would have to be answered later. Getting off the plane was like a goose chase. First Juni's luggage went missing, though they found it later on. Once that happened they tried to get ahold of Nick, Isaac, and Grunk who were supposedly there already. But to their avail, no one responded for almost thirty minutes.

"Hey dude! We are by the gift shop." "Weve been trying to-" "ISAAC GET BACK HERE! Sorry Blake gotta go." Sighing Blake walked over to Juni. "They're by the gift shop." He rolled his eyes as he started walking towards the shopping area of the airport, Juni following right behind him.

Eventually they found the boys. They all ran up hugging a very grumpy Blake and an excited childlike Juni. "I can't believe you're real!" Juni squealed out to Isaac as he practically picked her up. "You look shorter than I expected." Grunk said walking up to Juni. She slapped him on the arm as he pulled her into a hug.

"So just Tanner and Larry?" Blake questioned to which the others nodded. He sighed as Nick spoke up. "Come on Blake, loosen up." He said walking behind Blake rubbing his shoulders. "I am loose." Blake mumbled out shoving Nick's hands off of him. He joined Juni who was sitting on a nearby couch next to Grunk. She noticed how irritated he looked.

Blakie Poo

June Bug
u good?

Blakie Poo
do i look good?

June Bug
just wait once we get to the airbnb u can sleep

Blakie Poo
can't i just lay my head on ur shoulder again

Blakie Poocan't i just lay my head on ur shoulder again

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June Bug
not with that emoji

She felt a nudge at her side, looking to Blake making the same face as the emoji. She giggled.

June Bug
yeah now it's a definite no

Blakie Poo

June Bug
sigh fine

She felt as Blake shifted besides her, laying his head on her shoulder. She smiled as she grabbed his hand, holding it. She questioned what made her do that as she slowly dozed off along with Blake. Only noise was a shutter of a camera from besides them. Ignoring it she fell asleep content with the warmth Blake emitted and how soft his hands were in hers.

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