10 | warmth

281 15 5

Breakfast and a quick run to the grocery store blurred. Juni was soon met with the front door of the OTK house.

Throughout the adventures of the recent hours of the day Juni was experiencing so many emotions. Maybe too many emotions. From gentle hands to reassuring touches, she craved the night. She wished for whatever Blake had planned would come faster than lightening. Though right now she just had to wait the long hours until then.

"What the fuck are y'all doing here?" Schlatt said in his usual monotone voice. He clearly knew they were coming that day, just had to put up an act for the camera. Juni smiled brightly as they all entered the building. Tanner, Larry, and Grunk running around the house checking it out. While the rest of the group followed Schlatt to a nearby couch to have small talk.

Juni went to the restroom while the boys found their ways to the couches. While she was in there she was dumbfounded at how clean and pristine the bathroom was since mainly men lived there. When she made her way back into the room, she realized all the seats were taken. She stared watching as Blake tapped his lap, subtly telling Juni she could sit on it.

She felt her face warm as she shook her head no, to which he responded with an urging face. "Come on." he mouthed to her. She decided it wouldn't hurt anything so she took his offer. Slowly walking over trying to not disturb the conversation. She maneuvered her way to Blake, turning around as he opened his legs. She gently sat down on his lap, earning a few glances from everyone else but ultimately they didn't mind.

The entire time she was sitting on his lap she tried to ignore the fact that she was sitting on the lap of the boy she has gained feelings for. She always got frightened whenever he moved to situate himself, or even when she shifted making him grip her hip. Too worried to embarrass herself even though she was laying in his arms earlier that day. Overall she knew her face was bright red and her eyes were wide. She got sent a photo of the exact sight from Tanner. Though she completely ignored his messaged, too scared to even move an inch.

"Juni Im not gonna murder you if you get comfortable." Blake said steadily, leaning down next to her ear breath hot as ever. "I know I'm just scared." She responded quietly. "Scared of what?" He asked with genuine concern. Though she responded with nothing. He sighed, "Juni I'm not gonna care what you do, you're just so tense it's worrying me." He whispered back, taking matters into his own hands.

She felt as he grabbed her hips shifting her to the side so her back was against the arm rest of the couch. Her feet were next to Blakes legs, right next to Isaac's. Once she was fully sitting on his lap she covered her face with her hands, slowly leaning against Blake's chest. "It's okay, they don't care." He whispered gently to her. Since she was still way too scared to even speak, she went to message him. Picking up her phone he watched as she opened his messages.

Blakie Poo

June Bug
you're making me nervous

Blakie Poo
nervous for what?

June Bug
i dunno
i think i'm gonna get up and find grunk
this is too embarrassing for me

Blakie Poo
don't please
i'm so comfortable

June Bug
Schlatt has given me a dirty look 6 times now

Blakie Poo
okay? and?

June Bug
quit it
i'll be back dont worry darling

Blakie Poo
ur weird

June Bug

Blakie Poo
ur cute when u pout

She slowly got up, being met with a puppy look from Blake. She ran into Schlatts office finding Tanner and Larry streaming. "Where's Grunk?" Juni questioned. "Bathroom." Tanner responded as he messed with Larry. She walked away walking back into the living room with Blake. She saw them messing with a shock collar. "Be so for real." She said walking next to Blake were he sat, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Go mess with Tanner and Larry, they're streaming on your computer." She watched as Schlatts face dropped, jolting as he ran into the room. They all knew he didn't care and that it was all for the camera. Giggling as she followed him into the room.

Juni would never admit how attractive she thought Blake was for trying the shock collar out. She was disgusted at the sadistic thoughts she was thinking but washed it all out when Blake came over showing his arm to her like a trophy. She lifted her hand, gently rubbing her fingers over the spot the collar shocked him. Mesmerized at how soft his skin felt against her fingers, the warmth traveling through her bloodstream like an electric current.

She slowly lifted her gaze to him smiling contently earning a cheesy grin from Blake. "You okay?" she asked him clearly worried about how red his arm was getting. "Yeah, it just stung a little." he said grabbing her hand away from his arm and holding it, squeezing it reassuringly. She felt a jolt in his arm from the sudden tension in his muscles, clearly fried from the electricity.

From screaming to the hot feeling of the boys' flesh due to the shock collar, they all equally decided it was time to head back to the airbnb. Saying bye to everyone in the OTK house they headed back to the mom van. It was getting dark out now and all the boys were bickering about how hungry they were not fully deciding on a place to get take out from.

"Juni what do you want?" she heard from besides her, shifting her gaze up at Blake. "I dunno, I'm fine with anything I just wanna stay at home though." She laid her head on his shoulder closing her eyes as she felt a hand engulf hers. She could get used to that feeling. The warmth erupting all over her body was something she would never get over.

Eventually they made it back to the airbnb. They dropped Juni off so she could nap before they ate again. Running off to a random fast food restaurant nearby, Juni laid on the couch slowly drifting to sleep as she realized the night wasn't over and that Blake still had something hidden up his sleeve for her. She smiled gently falling asleep while she waited oh so impatiently for the boy she loved to be back in her vicinity.

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