9 | insanity

332 13 6

I know you expected the story to go a completely different route, even Blake expected it.

The two of them waking up, right in each others arms. Warm, Soft, Content. But all that was completely incorrect. Blake expected to wake up happy and well. Nope, wrong.

Blake woke up to Juni jumping on the bed, forcing him awake. "Juni it is so early, quit it." he closed his eyes again, but was met with a pillow to the face. He threw the pillow off of the bed, grabbing Juni down by the hips. The room was filled with giggling and the rustles of bed sheets. As Juni fought in Blake's chest while he kept her in the bear hug, she gave up.

"Okay I'm done." She said through giggles. "Are you sure." He felt as she aggressively nodded her head. As he slowly let go of her, he knew he made a mistake. Watching as she be lined it to the living room to mess with the other boys. He was so shocked at how energized she was at seven in the morning.

Blake quickly got up, chasing her, trying to be as quiet as he could be. The room was filled with the patters of feet on the bare wood floors, and multiple angry whispers of Juni's name. Fighting around the island in the kitchen she swore she could make it to Grunks room safely, though she was entirely wrong.

Right as she made it to his door way, reaching for the knob, she was swiftly lifted up. As Blake threw her over his shoulders she complained, banging her fists against his back. Right as this happened both Nick and Isaac exited their rooms. They both watched as Blake stomped his way into their room again. Making eye contact with one another watching as Blake slammed the door behind them, they shrugged, making their way to the kitchen to make food.

"Juni go get ready." Blake demanded as Juni laid down on the bed. "Come on you just woke me up, go get ready." He watched as she closed her eyes, shifting on the bed into a fetal position covering herself up. Though immediately her body was jolted by the cold air of the room once again as Blake yanked the blanket off of her. In desperate attempts to cover her body with her hands for warmth, Blake grabbed her ankles pulling her off of the bed.

Once she was met with the floor she sat there for a moment staring up at Blake, giggling. "You think you're so funny huh?" She nodded vigorously, "I sure do." She watched as he bent down in front of her, keeping eye contact. "Promise me you'll behave." She felt her cheeks warm, "I promise." She lifted her pinky up as he did the same, intertwining them together.

He stood up, grabbing her hand to help her up as well. She stomped off, mumbling a, "Thanks dad." Slamming the bathroom door behind her. Content after earning a laugh from Blake.

Once that whole situation came to an end, Blake made his way into the kitchen. He was greeted with bizarre looks from Isaac and Nick. "What just happened?" He walked towards the island, sitting down on a stool and laying his head down on the counter. "She's a menace." He said, his words mumbled. As the boys laughed, Isaac responded, "She's not normally like this is she?" Blake aggressively shook his head no.

"I think it's just cause she's with you guys now. She was so excited, when she found out we were meeting up she called me at like seven in the morning." Right as their conversation Juni came out of the room skipping.

"Hey y'all." She said, slapping her hands on the counter next to Blakes head with a huge grin. "What's for breakfast?" Rocking on her heels, she watched Nick shrug, "No clue, we were waiting for everyone else to get up." She thought to herself, then ran off, leaving the boys in silence. "Oh god no." Isaac mumbled out as they saw a flash of Juni run past the kitchen corridor with a large speaker in her hands.

Nick ran after her smiling, excited to scare the rest of the group. After thirty minutes of farting and trumpet noises, out emerged Tanner, Grunk, and Larry. They all sighed, admitting defeat once they realized Juni and Nick weren't leaving them alone until they got ready for the day. The boys all gathered around the kitchen groggily, "So why are we up this early." Larry asked, clearly annoyed. "Oh trust me, you'll be waking up this early every day we are here with Juni around." Blake said as Juni smiled a little too big. The boys groaned in unison as Juni blew them a kiss.

"Okay what's for breakfast now." Juni asked once again clearly starving. "I dunno, but we have to be at the OTK house at like one." Juni stood up clapping her hands, "Well let's get going, we need food for the fridge so we can just run to the store after we eat."

They all agreed to eat at a random breakfast restaurant, way too hungry to complain. "Juni." She heard from behind her as they waited for a host to sit them. She felt hands snake to her hips, "Yeah?" She felt the grip tighten, "That stupid teenager over there won't stop staring at you." Blake said through his teeth in a low whisper, Juni would be lying if she said she didn't find it hot. Cause she did. One thing she's realized about this trip is how godly Blake looks. Eveytime she even catches a glimpse of him she's holding back all her intrusive thoughts to just eat him whole.

She slowly turned her head towards the waiting area, being met with a lustful smirk of a teenage boy. She swore he couldn't be but fifteen. She turned back, shifting her head to the side slightly. "He's a teenager Blake, he means no harm." His grip tightened even more. "I don't like it." She giggled slightly, moving her hand to touch his. "I promise it's okay."

Once they sat down Juni got a message from Tanner.


is there a reason blake is death glaring that little boy

he's saying he's making me uncomfortable

do u feel uncomfortable?

nah i just think he's weird

at least blake's protective i guess

yeah i find it hot

She looked up when she heard a loud gasp from Tanner, smirking to herself.

stfu ur gonna make them question u

screenshotting and sending to blake

tanner istg

Incoming message from 'Blakie Poo' read across her screen. She looked up to see Tanner already smirking at her, she mouthed 'fuck you' receiving a smile on return. She looked over seeing Blake staring at her. Looking down she opened their messages.

Blakie Poo

Blakie Poo
so u think i'm hot?

June Bug
yes i fucking do
who wouldn't

Blakie Poo
well yk i think ur hot too

June Bug
u sound like a middle schooler

Blakie Poo
can u just like accept the compliment

June Bug
i don't belive u

Blakie Poo
why not

June Bug
cause i said it first
what if ur just saying it to make me feel better

Blakie Poo
i wasn't even thinking that way

June Bug
prove it

Blakie Poo
u sure?

June Bug

Blakie Poo
wait till we get home

June Bug
that won't be for hours

Blakie Poo
i guess u just have to be patient

June Bug
fuck u
can i get a hug after breakfast

Blakie Poo
only if i can hold ur hand rn

June Bug

Juni looked up from her phone due to her being tapped under the table. She reached her hand under the table to grab the hand that originally tapped her. She made eye contact with Blake as he gently smiled at her, squeezing her hand reassuringly. God the things he did to her. She swore she would do absolutely anything for him.

She couldn't tell if she was being this bold because of the copious amounts of energy she has or the fact that this is just how she is, which wasn't true. All she knew was if she didn't kiss that man tonight, she would go insane.

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