Nightmare x Rainbow (Nightbow) QUEERS

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Rainbow Steve. The very creature made to destroy me, the champion meant to bring peace to this realm. Out of all the things expected of him, no one expected him to wake in my bed now did they? Not even the poor little Steve could comprehend it when his eyes fluttered open and he found himself in my arms..

He's lucky I didn't try anything more than just to hold him that night, as much as I wanted to take his powers and finally win, I couldn't.
The little idiot had tried a little new drink whipped up by some other idiot, maybe a Steve - maybe a player - and gotten a little tipsy from it, hell the multicolored moron could barely walk straight for tipsy, and in the moment he trusted me.

Rainbow had dialed his brother - Light Steve - to tell them where he was and to ask for more detail about that night before he left, all while I stared at him from across the table with a cup of coffee. I could see the sweat running down the back of his neck from where I sat and I felt ashamed for my thoughts of other reasons he could be sweating.

Later his brother - rather rudely - barged into the Nightmare Palace and took my - no - Rainbow Steve back with them to the Rainbow Town.
As much as it pains me to say it or even think it, Light dragging Rainbow away pissed me off. I wanted to attack Light the moment they stepped through the gates to my scorched domain. To keep Rainbow for myself, but I held my tongue as Light dragged him away.

Now I'm not proud of it but for the past - what week by now? I've been stalking around perimiters of the Rainbow Town, sometimes just flying up to the top of the Rainbow Tree to watch the stupid mortals everyday lives.
Little by little I've helped them with their little Faceless problem, even going as far as targeting the poor escuse of a Steve - which is unfortinaly where I am now..

"Leave the Rainbow Town alone, not matter how ugly the place is." I growled at the creature adding pressure to it's neck.

"Why do you care!?" Faceless huffed, kicking around and strugging while attempting to claw at my forearm. They had a point, why was I doing this? To protect my mortal enemy who would destroy me without a second thought to save the realm? This breif silence from me gave the faceless taunt to get ideas of how to rial me up. "Oh don't tell me the 'BIG BAD' Nightmare Steve is growing soft, eh?"

My eyes flared and I increased the pressure of my grip until the creature was not able breathing at all.

"Faceless?" A soft voice called out, I felt the creature squirm harder to try and get to the voice but I stopped them as a smaller Steve walked out from behind the corner, holding the wall for support as if not being able to see.

This Steve was pale and grey, splots of fadded blood painting their almost see-through face, and had white eyes. This must have been Ghost Steve, the protecter of the catacombs. My first time rearising here I caught only a small glance of this one, now here they were, looking for this pethetic muck.
I let go of Faceless's neck and turned on my heels, cape swiping behind me as I stormed off.

I didn't want to stick around for the walls to start changing.


I paced around a small river bed, accidentally burning prints of my shoes into the ground until steam rose to the sky.
One word kept echoing through my head as I paced "soft", it shouldn't have gotten to me, I was a heartless ruler who would destroy this world in a heartbeat if given the chance; but that was the problem now.

Looking back on it I've had the chance time and time again, but each time hesitated, which is why I was defeated each time. Am I truly going soft?

Nonsense. Why would I go soft? Because of some Steve? From a creature made to kill me and set this world free from darkness? Never.

I look down to see small fires spreading through the grass, quickly I stomped them out so that the fire wouldn't spread - and no. I did not put them out for the goodness of the forest, I put them out so the smoke wouldn't alert the three nuisances to my location and start a rather unwanted fight.

Slowly I flew off, glancing back at the Rainbow Town, waching as lightning struck down from the sky. Now that could mean two things. One: the chicken fool had made a machine and was testing it out on Rainbow Steve.. Or there was a fight and Rainbow was in danger.
I didn't think twice (which I should have) about flying over. I hid on the rainbow wall and looked over the railings.

There were blurs of yellow and red from high above as Rainbow despritaly tried to fly but failed. There was no way any of his powers were going to work, he was still weak after all his fighting and only being awake from slumber for only a few months..

I look up, trying to see the opponent, only to be greated by the two faces of one of my experiments.. Positive and Negative Steve.
How the fuck did they escape? I purposefully kept them apart so they couldn't.. unless they channeled their powers at the same time close enough to each other- DAMMIT!

I stood up straight and bolted into the sky, stopping just ahead of Positive and Negative, glaring at them with such fury I was surprised they didn't combust into flames right there. They finally noticed me and a wide grin spread across Negatives face, he looked so confident about winning the battle.

They weren't fire proof though, that's something I made sure they weren't when creating their bodies. I knew that this could happened.
"Stop this distruction. Now." I growled, the palms of my hands heating up until they were bright with fire.

"Since when do you care about distruction? You love to watch the world burn!" Negative shouted with glee as he shot a fireball out of his hands. I swept to the left, turning back and firing a blast of my own at the two. Negative was smart enough to move out of the way but unfortinatly his brother froze up and was knocked out of the sky.

"Pos!" Negative hissed, dropping down as quickly as possible to help his brother, I let myself drop down, only catching myself a few feet above the ground in time to see Negative flying off with the unconsious body of Positive in his arms.

I sighed with releif that it was that easy this one time, I'm sure they will come back to cause more distruction.

"N-Nightmare Steve?" A squeeky voice said with concern and fear. Steve.. I hated being called Nightmare Steve, I was a king and I should be called by such.

I turned around to glare at the rainbow mess standing in front of me, his hair was mess and a bit singed from fighting a fire-water battle.
As soon as our eyes met he tensed while my stern gaze softened. His orange and yellow eyes blinked in confusion as I took a step forwards, attempting to just put out a small spark that could have made his whole hair - well maybe - burst into flames.

"Rainbow Steve!" An annoying voice shouted in concern. My head snapped to the right to see the chicken-man running as quickly as possible over to us, followed by the smaller mortal with a red hat.

Rainbow turned to look at them as well, blushing with embarrassment, or at least what I hoped was embarrassment. If it wasn't.. Well I'm not afraid to attack any players.

"Sabre! Lucas!" Rainbow yelled back cheerfully. He gave me a glance of question, not knowing why I was even there.
I wanted to just grab him now and bring us back to the castle, but I knew better than that. Slowly I backed away, raising my hands up in a non-threatening manner.

I didn't risk saying anything and just flew away, if I stayed I probably would have ended up taking Rainbow with me.


DONE with chapter one at least ;)

But yeah fully belive that Nightmares basically a yandere without being too yandere, he wouldn't like try to learn everything abt -insert whatever love intrest you want- besides the normal things you learn abt in a relationship.

But I problably am gonna write chapter two then publish because i'm gay and why not (Just writing this down for myself ig)


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