EMPTY ASF INSIDE (plaghost / plague x ghost)

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(3rd POV)

Music blasted in Plague Steves' headphones, they were lucky no other Steves' or players could hear it - unless they took the headphones - because they would find the noise rather obnoxious and distracting. The green, infected Steve moved their body with the music, swaying from side to side as they work on the shrine that wouldd let them win.

I drove a stake right through her.

They stab prismarine shards into the growing shrine that acted like a radio tower - one that only stayed in the perimaters of the Rainbow Town - sending out bursts of energy that carried their virus, infecting the creatures that it touched. And it was almost done.
Blood had managed to trickle down Plagues hand from the shards, leaving crimson stains everywhere.

I've tasted all her lies.

They licked off some of blood form their hand and piled up some of the materials where Rainbow Steve or Sabre couldn't see them.

I'm a vampire by rumor.

A small smirk played on Plagues lips at the lyric. Many times they had been called a vampire, though most prefered to call them a zombie since of their green appearence and that they carried infection around.

Empty as fuck inside.

That much was true, almost. Plague barely felt anything, maybe annoyence or even a bit of sarrow revolving the past. Though besides some small feelings that came and went, Plague felt the empty feeling behind a smile most did. A mask of empty promises and beliefs, nothing made the heart of the deads beat.

Plague spun on their heels and grabbed an iron sword Sabre had forgotten about, they inspected the precious metal between the tips of their fingers before sliding the sword into the strap attached to the back of their hoodie. Pale green eyes darted around the quiet town to make sure the two bufoons were absent before starting to walk.

They had some unfinished buisness at the catacombs.


Navy green boots his the soil of the graveyard, leaving prints in the ground. Plague made their way to the mausoleum, swinging open the already broken entrence and making a rather rude entry into the home of the dead. Plague stepped into a room where an open coffin lay, bits of lights flickering from inside it.

The Steve smirked and clambered over the edge, easing their way down to the cript below. Once their feet hit the ground the chambers rubled and stone ground against itself. Plague grabbed the ladder to stable their wobbling body while the floor and walls began to stop shaking.

It took a few minutes but the catacombs stopped rumbling and shaking. Plague knew that the walls had changed, for better or for worse they were about to figure out. They began to assend into the beconing chambers, twisting and turning in different tunnels. The Steve stopped for a moment, taking a second to just breathe. It felt like they had been walking for hours, and at this point it could have been days.

Music continued to blast through their headphones, this time it echoed through the catacombs, giving away their location. With a sigh they pushed down the button to turn the music down, though they loved the loud music that filled the silent halls of stone.


A rock flew past Plagues' head, missing them by just an inch. They whipped their head around to see just the being they search for. Ghost Steve. A smile spread across their lips, a wicked gleam in their eyes.

"Ah, Ghost, dear. How good to see you again." Slowly they reach behind them for the iron sword they had taken. Ghost shyly bent down to grab another rock, though struggled from not being able to see it. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Ghost glared up at the sound of their voice and found another rock, taking it firmly into their hand. He stood back up, listening intently to the sounds that swirled around them. Plague shook their head and slid the headphones around their neck off and dropped them, stepping to the left as Ghost threw the rock at the sound.

Plague took the distraction and lack of a weapon and quietly walked behind Ghost, their footsteps covered by the music that held Ghosts' attention. When Ghost popped up from picking up another rock, Plague Steve slashed the sword, stopping its movements just before it cut into the deads neck.

"Get your hearing checked." Plague mocked, their hand twisting grey locks between their fingers, exposing the smallers neck to the sharp metal. "You should have been able to hear me over the music, have you gone soft?"

Ghost hissed as the cold blade touched their evenly cold skin. "Hardly." They tilted their head away, only to be yanked back to the blade.
"You know I will be back, what do you gain?" A fair point, what would Plague gain by slicing off their head?

"Vengence." They pushed the blade closer to Ghosts neck, opening some of the skin, though no blood trickled from the wound. "Your eyes weren't enough, you should have been destroyed." Plague whispered, beginning to push the sword down more.

Surprisingly Ghost didn't struggle, though he did try to push the blade away, their face was a light shade of red, like the tips of their hair.
Plague smirked, they'd dealt with this countless of times. "Hard already?" 

The smaller Steve squeeked and finally started to struggle, embarrasment clear in their expression. Plague dropped the sword and gripped Ghosts jaw, holding them still. Ghost was lifted a little off the ground by Plague, and he found himself pressed into a wall.

"W-what happened to hating my guts!?" Ghost yelped, trying to get loose from Plagues bruising grip.

"I can still hate your guts.." A hand slid down Ghosts' chest, b-lineing (idk how its actoully spelled) to their trousers.
Ghost out a rather pathetic whine and tried to slip out from Plagues' grasp, which only tightened the moment he moved their body. "Be good.." Plague mumbled, flicking the button of Ghosts' trousers open.



I post once more to only be unsure! I miiiighhhtt post another nightbow after this cuz I got like three or more stories of those :]


I'm in the mood to write some spicy obsessioness stuff, plus I'm gay and can do what I want.


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