Random ass heacanons :0

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So I'm writig another chapter thingy but honestly it's gonna be cringy asf so I figured I could clear up some random headcanons I have for the Steve Saga +

I made most of these when I was first getting introduced to the Steve Saga in like- six grade? maybe younger but I'm not sure, but I made some of these when I was half innocent and a cringy gacha kid (even though I still act like one and probably always will).

SO here are some that are kinda just silly and me and my friend even have headcanons of accents which I will list LOL.


Rainbow Steve was asleep for so long he never had sex so he got a high sexdrive- LOOK IT MAKES SENSE.

Also heres a really cringe one. Steves could have marks that their partners give them if bitten certainly- SOME FUCKING WEREWOLF BL BULLSHIT (Insert some kinda laughing emoji cause my computer don't got those) honestly it was cute and something I still find funny because I do like possesivness-

Heres a gacha one: Steves or even players could have this crystal crown thing and depending on the colors it would let others know if you were dating someone or married - I still love this idea and did use it for the Dark in the Light chapter.

Nightmare King could turn into a bee.

Seer was gay and didn't know how to express it to Cole (honestly thought they were cute tgthr and might make a chapter abt them)

Nightmare hates people calling him Nightmare Steve and will constently yell at his own family that he "is a king and should be adressed as such."

Shadow Steve is trans and is the child of Dark and Light but Dark was corrupted farther and turned on Light (IN THE EVIL WAY NOT THE HORNY WAY), eventually he just stole Shadow and raised him to be evil but Shadow got trapped in the Nightmare dimension (until sabre activated the portal).

Light Steve was created with Rainbow (in origins) and lived in his mind - cause at the end of origins you see two flowers on that hill (from what I remember) one blue (blue steve) and one white. SO when Rainbow was asleep and some of him seperated Light got out - yet he got put back in when Blue summoned them all tgthr.

All of the Nightmare family (besides POS and NEG) can control shadows and darkness.

Pretty sure Beef had a thing for Obsidian Cap.

Hypno Steve is nonbinary and gay asf

Lucas is genderfluid but Light, Rainbow, and Galaxy just got used to calling them mom and they even call Sabre dad (my reason to think the two are gay because Rainbow acts like their kid).

God Steve is aroace and nonbinary - literally don't know nothin' abt his character I didn't know what to do with him.

Prof. Red is trans but did his own surgery and passes really well despite having longer hair thats tied into a bun.

MEMORYYYY (MY FAVVVVV) is trans, ace, and gay, he's so silly and cute I love him so much

Rainbow Steve has this gem thats like a necklace or a pin, it's grey almost the entire time he's alive because he was never at full power, the only time it was was in Origins.

The whole thing of The Steve Saga is one big loop, it goes on and on, not just like rainbow quest, but all of it. (I will explain ltr.)

SO Void and Galaxy can mimic accents or even speak different languges (I know its spelled wrong), so Nightmare had a western accent but it got turned more German (maybe russian) when darkness corrupted him, so when Dark was created he had an accent too, but he had a french accent :D and Dark could switch accents in Rainbow Quest after absorbing the other Steves

Yellow Steves commently have southern accents maybe western depending on the biome but Dessert Steves had MAJOR western accents or MAJOR Australlian hippy accents.
Red Steves can speak French but not unless they really want to, but I think they would be more Russian (red stone is their vodka).
Orange Steves be Italian.
Blues have a slight British accent but it's more Canadian in my head (norm steve saga blues).
Green Steves kinda just give me American accents but also I feel like they'd be Brazilian? I'm not sure but that just seems cute to me.
Indigos have a west African accent that I find so silly and cute!
Rainbow Quest Blues have Irish/Scottish accents maybe still British.
Violet Steves speak full French, like I'm talking accents to full oui oui and the full capability to speak french.

I can't really say much for Rainbows accent 'Cause he actually had a voice. I also think it's safe to say that Time Steve is British just Like Elemental.

Y'all remember the whole weird tribe of skeletons? What if there were other tribes like that and thats where the Zombie that attacked Rainbow Steve in the beginning of the Steve Saga came from?

Galaxy Steve is SUPER dyslexic and that's another reason he created Void.

Sabre has a choker lookin thing thats all black but theres a stripe on it that can change colors depending on his mood, but it's mostly always green (yes another gacha thing).

Light Steves bangs are faded into orange at the bottom because he was an Orange Steve and the crystal was only able to do so much (kinda another gacha thing but i think its a cute headcanon and I know others think it.)

Dark has a streak of yellow that fades to orange in his hair from absorbing the two.

Most of all the Steves wear pride braclets because theres it's slay.

Besides Lucas the only mother figure Rainbow had in his life was the Rainbow Tree of Life, and he even called it mom (since it was the reason for his powers and how he was able to be created besides the elders).

I personally have a headcanon that there were girls in the ss+rq but most were trans women or were born women and transed into men (mostly made this one because I wanted Alex to make sense to myself because they didn't make sense).

Over Seer and Gerald would have been besties.

Speaking of Gerald: Gerald was aloud to be in the meetings with the Leaders during the time of the Rainbow kindom or whatever because they thought of him as a emotional support animal (though Orange leader just wanted him around because he was close to Rainbow.)


SO that's most of them, I'd keep going but I'm tired and I still have stuff to do today, see ya loves <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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