The Dark in the Light (LITERALLY/Lark)

43 3 13

(From Light Steve POV:)

Another day, another all nighter...

I haven't slept properly in I don't even how long... Maybe since I lost-

My thoughts were interupted when Galaxy burst through my door, radiating happiness and kindness - with a bit of silly somehow.
"Brother! Brother!" He shouted happily as they ran up to hug me, so tight in fact a rib or some sort of bone might have snapped.

"C-can-t...Breaaathheee!" I heaved for air when he finally let me go, smiling awkwardly.

"S-sorry!" Their hand rubbed the back of their neck, averting eye contact. He stopped for a second, seeming to be in deep thought.

I tilted my head in confusion, waiting for them to speak again.

"Oh yeah! Mom-I mean... Lucas, made breakfast!" Galaxy corrected themselves, knowing that Sabre has corrected them multiple times that he and Lucas were not a couple, much less our mom or dad. Still Rainbow and I let Galaxy call us brothers.

Though I know why Galaxy assumes, it's less of an assumsion and more of an obsservasion. Sabre and Lucas sleep in the same room, sometimes wear each others shirts or pajama bottoms... And the walls aren't exactly sound-proof.
Sabre and Lucas can deny their relasionship all they want, but when they finally come clean Rainbow and I are going to wear matching shirts that say "It was Obvious".

I turned my head back to Galaxy who was immpatiently bouncing on their toes, I sigh and shake my head, "I'm not hungry, bud."
Their nose twitched and he stopped bouncing, tilting their head in confusion as worry pooled into their eyes.

"Light, you okay? You haven't really left your room that much - much less came down stairs to eat or socilize.." Galazy took a step forward and I took one back, nodding my head to indicate I was fine.

"I'm good, I have snacks in here I've been munching on." Lies.

"Promise?" Galaxy stuck up his pinky, trying to get me to make a promise I couldn't keep.

"RAINBOW STEVE!" Sabre shouted, sounding angry and concerned. Galaxy and I immidiently left my room and rushed to Rainbows to see what has happened - perfect distraction!

In the middle of the room Rainbow stood with a bright red and olive-mixed skin, despratly clinging to his collar. I peered over Sabres' shoulder to see why the collar was so important when my eyes settled on a purple blob that faded into his skin I was shocked: but I knew who exactly did it, plus the window was open and only two idiots leave them open.

"I fucking called it!" I cheered, punching Galaxy in the shoulder much lighter then I would have liked. "Pay up!"

Galaxy whined but pulled out $fifty dollors, handing it gloomly over to me with defeat.

"You bet on this!?" Sabre questioned with a cracked voice. Lucas came up behind us, peering over Sabres' shoulders to see the now-bright red Rainbow Steve who was despratly trying to find a hoodie that would cover up the hickey.

"Shit.. Did I lose!?" Lucas said bewildered, looking back at me and Galaxy, Sabre rubbed his temples in confusion, shock, and a bit of anger.

"You sure did." I held out my free hand, beconing Lucas to hand over my money. "Pay up." With a sigh Lucas through the money into my hand and I cheered, running back to my room.

"Hold on, hold on!" Sabre yelled, shock poured into his voice as he spoke, "You guys made a bet.. That Rainbow Steve would make out with THEE Nightmare Steve!?" The other two said who they actually bet on and I heard Rainbow gag at one of the names, seeming to turn away and hide from Lucas who had bed that.

I sighed in triumph and fell back on to my bed, crossing my arms behind my head. Suddenly I couldn't breathe, well I could but it felt hard, it felt like the room was burning and I was inhaling smoke. I started coughing and sat up, I felt myself about to throw up and rushed out of my room to the bathroom, easily avoiding the others.

I threw up in the toilet, tears running down my face as a black ink disgorged into the water. I sat back, wiping my lips with the back of my hand. This has been happening the past few months, it started just once every few weeks but it was starting to become frequent.
I wiped my tears away and washed my hands and mouth. My stomach hurt as I walked back to my room with trembling legs.

Once I was back in my room I collapsed on to the floor, my vision blurred when I tried to get back up; it was useless. I was useless.
My breath came out as ragged gasps and inhales, desprately trying to find oxegen in the smoke that clouded my lungs.

"Oh how pathetic.." A grim voice growled somewhere infront of me. I tried to look in front of me, or to even focus my vision but it didn't help..

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and push me on to my back, I coughed and covered my mouth with my hand - or at least tried, my hand fell on to my chest before I managed to cover my mouth.
I was swept up and was layed on to my bed gently.

"Here I thought you could have handled it.. Look's like you are really weak." A hand swept my snow white hair out of my face, lingering on my cheek before cupping my face with a palm. "You can only take so much of things, huh? Hell I should know.."

Whoever was talkings' voice tuned in and out, like static blocking a certain channel on a radio but you can still hear some of it.
I wasn't going to be able to focus, I knew that.. I also knew I wasn't going to be able to stay awake.

"Such a tired lil' doll, get some sleep, I've noticed you haven't for quite some time..."

My eyes shut as if the voice's request was a demand for me to sleep.


I WONDER who this is :]

But I hoped this short chapter would fill you in on one: my family dinamic for them all. Two: I wanted you to see what was happening to Light.



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