Worth it. (Plaghost pt2)

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(Ghosts POV:)

Now, from any other pespective, my position right now - which was technically my chest pinned to the wall as my shorts got slipped off by one of my enemys - problably looked bad to others that saw, but I couldn't say I didn't enjoy it, that's why I didn't fight back..

Look it's not a pain kink if I can't feel that much pain. I'll say that.

Though I would have appreceated being asked. Just a quick "hey let's have sex where MANY entities can see or hear you", I problably would have said yes honestly.

Plague grabbed my chin and pulled me back to their chest, kissing my jaw and down my neck, leaving bites and problably hickeys. My breath caught in my throat as Plagues' free hand slipped into my boxers, causing a shiver to run up my spine and Plague to chuckle in my ear.

"So eager. . ." Plague teased, wrapping a hand around my dick, causing me to whine and struggle.

Plague chuckled again and leaned their face into my neck, "You're so pretty." Sweet and cute, such innocent words for a monster like Plague who was literally trying to kill me only a few minutes ago.

My body felt hot when Plagues hand moved, gently, making me squirm in their grasp. "Yo- ah!" They kissed under my jaw and something in me had me flinching and stilling as a pale red blush spread across my almost white cheeks. "C-could hav-ehh a-asked."

"Where's the fun in that? I like making you scared," They chuckled as their hand sped up, causing a stream of weak moans and whines to spill from my cold lips. "Plus it gets you exited when you're faced with a challange."

Eh, a little true, I just like fighting Plague, they've managed to figure me out while fighting, now they use it to their advantage.
"N-ot true!" Doesn't mean I'll hand over my pride just yet.

They chuckled between the crook of my neck once more before biting down harshly, my brain went fuzzy and I let out a little whine as my body went limp in Plagues' arms, dammit, they won again. I leaned my head back on Plagues' shoulder.

"Oh?" Plague smiled against my cold skin, "Giving up so soon? I expected more from you." They moved their hand faster and my body tensed, moaning louder. I clapped a hand over my mouth to silence me but it barely did anything.

"N-nno f-f-fair!" I whined out, bucking my hips up at the sensation. My hand went behind my head to Plagues', tangling my fingers in their hair and pulling gently, that made Plague stutter for a second before they stuck their teeth into my neck to hide the little groans that left their lips.

The coil in my stomach tightened and tears formed in my eye. I struggled more, tugging at Plagues' hair more to signal I was close.
Plague didn't stop though, they sped their hand up once more until I could hold back anymore and I tried, I really tried not to cum, but it's kinda hard when your enemy is kinda hot.

The moment I came I collapsed in Plagues arms, whining loudly. They caught me before I fell and kept me standing, their teeth still in my neck tightly.

"That was hot." Said a deep voicd. I jumped and snapped my head to the side, my body freezing when I lay eyes on Faceless. Plague seemed surprsied but not embarresed.

They let go of my neck and grinned at the figure, "Wanna join?" Plague asked as their grip tightened around me.

I looked back and forth between the two, face burning red, "NO!"

"Sure." Faceless shrugged and stepped forewards.

Again not against it, but I'd love for someone to make a PLAN to do something like this so I can get the shock out of my system.


Okay I just found the ending funny and I have no idea what to write, I'm someone who likes stuff like this ruff, I prob got some problem, but it's hard to write when I don't know if you guys like more fluff smut or ruff smut.

But you guys aren't getting a part three, it's very obvious that this chapter was hard to write because it's one of my few I don't have a story for.


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