The Dark in The Light PT3 (Lark)

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(Lights POV:)

As Darks' teeth sunk into my neck I stiffled a cry, it had been such a long time since he's done that.
I could tell by how black his eyes were that the darkness inside of him had taken over, taking him away from me once more.

I tilted my head at an angle and bit back, my own teeth sinking into his shoulder, it took him by surprise and he let go, pulling back to glare at me with hatred. "Don't look at me like that." I said in monotone.

"Then don't bite back." He bit out, moving closer to me again. I attempted to kick him back but he intersepted my kick by grabbing my ankle, "Don't you remember what happened last time you faught back against me?" He put my leg over his shoulder and leans into my skin, making me feel on fire from how hot he - his skin was... Okay look both are true.

Flashes of being held down by shadows hit me light a freight train, quickly I shook my head to get them away. "I'd rather not."
He smirked, his lips brushing against my inner thigh. "Don't you dare." My hand shot out and grabbed his hair, tugging his head back. Our eyes locked and I saw his iris fade back to a comforting color of red.

I looked down at Dark and blushed when he leaned his head on my thigh, "I'm sorry.." He mumbled into my skin. I only nodded and brushed my fingers through his hair gently. "I still haven't gotten control.." My heart broke hearing the inhales and exhales that left his lips, he was crying so hard not to cry.

"I can tell.." I rubbed his cheek with my thumb as my other hand kept brushing through his hair. As mad as I was at him and as much as I wanted to tell him to leave, I couldn't. It wasn't in me to do that.

He sighed and looked back up at me with a sarrowful expression, "I knew I shouldn't have come to see you, but I felt the pressure that the darkness had on you, I knew it was all my fault.." He kept moving until one knee was on the bed and he was leaning over me.

"I want to fix it.." Dark mumbles, his eyes connecting to the veins of darkness on my neck. "...Want to fix.. You.."

As much as I wanted to trust him I couldn't. Not when he couldn't even control the darkness in his own body. "D-Dark..." I reached out to cup his face in my hand when the door burst open. I seriously needed to get a better lock.

Galaxy Steve came half way through the door before stopping, their eyes flickering back between Dark and I before asking, "Am I interupting something?" He wrinckles their nose and fakes a gag, "Void says you two are gross."

I flipped them off, mostly meaning it to Void but also to Galaxy for barging in. Dark let out a quiet growl and crawled off from me, standing up to full height. Yet he was still shorter than Galaxy who stood at an even six-five. Immidietly I noticed that the darkness had taken full control again and I wondered how long it had been like that..

Galaxys' head tilted and he smiled, their purple n' yellow eyes faded to a bright red before they straightened up. "I did orginally tell Galaxy to come in here because I felt darkness that should not be in here - and it wasn't even your darkness I felt... I wonder why I can't sense your pressense Dark.." This voice that came from Galaxy was darker and more formal. Void. He grabbed the mask that Galaxy hung from one ear and put it on.

"Get out." I mumbled. I've never liked Void, or forgiven them for trying to kill my family and rule the world ect.

Void shook their head, turning their attention back to Dark, "Now how did I not know a little mess like you was here?" They mumbled to themself, inspecting Dark for something that was blocking the darkness link. "I wonder if your precious creator would know, after all he's managed to break himself off from the chain completely, but you?" Void let out a small chuckle, "You're far from becoming strong enough to do anything like that."

"I said.." Deep beath. Don't do this. "..Get out." My eyes flickered up to Voids' and he seemed surprised for a second before he glared at Dark.

"You corrupted them?" Voids' hand reached for the knife on their thigh but seemed to hesitate. Then he fell back against the door. "They could die because of it Gal.. If I kill the source it shuts down the river." He hissed to themself, looking down at the floor as they mumbled.

I looked up at Dark and saw that his eyes were wide and red, he looked back at me then put a hand to their chest as they thought about somehthing. I thought about it more, if Dark dies the corruption will stop and I'll be free of everything. If Dark dies. If Dark dies.. My head started to spin with all the reasons why I couldn't let him go.

"No." I said bluntly, glaring back and forth between Dark and Void. "No ones fucking dying."

"Watch your language!" Void covered their ears and turned away, I cupped a hand around my mouth, praying to Origin that Galaxy wouldn't tell Lucas. I've seen some shit, I've seen wars followed by mass distruction. But never, EVER, will it compare to when Lucas is pissed and in the presence of a fishing rod (like an angry mom with a belt).

I stand up and walk over to Void, planning to push them out of my room, the moment my hands touched their chest I heard a growl from behind me and I was yanked back into Darks' chest. I stared up at him, notcing that he was actually in control, not the darkeness.. Was he always this protective?

"Dark!" I struggled in his grasp and pointed to my bed, "Sit." I commanded. He sighed and sat down, reminding me of an owner with their dog.

I turned back to Void who had two fingers up in a V - peace out. "I ain't dealing with that kinky shit." I smiled and took a deep breath.

"MOM VOID SAID BAD WORDS!" I practically screamed it. Void immidiatly tried to bolt but the sound of quick pased footsteps was already close. It took only a few seconds before Lucas was upstairs with a frying pan in hand, they immidianly went over to Void, raising the pan above their head.

I closed the door as the sound of a blood curdling scream filled the house. Lucas was only going to hit them maybe twice since it was Galaxys' body, but Void still felt it.

My head panned back to Dark who was sitting on the edge of my bed with a fearful expression. "It could be worse with a fishing rod." I shrug and sit on his left.

Dark just shook his head and leaned on me, his hand pulling something from his pocket and handing it to me. When a small box was placed in my hands I let out a small giggle, "Proposing to me again?" I asked with a smile.

"I wish.." Dark mumbled. Slowly I opened the box to see a white crystal tied to a chain with wires. I gasped as I fiddled with the crystal.

"How did you-," I was cut off by Dark, "Shadow Stone can be used for life to.."


Should I do a part 4 or just leave it, I don't have a full story for these two, ngl I'm a full nightbow shipper and have a LOT of stories for those two but less for these two or any other character really.

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