BELOVED (pt 2)

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(Again 3rd person cuz I'm gay and tired.)

Goggles was already a moaning mess just after a few seconds, his back arched, tears welled up in his firey red eyes as Sharps fingures curled around his prostate. He almost collapsed chest first onto the couch but luckly Sharp caught him, pulling back on to his fingures hard enough for a loud moan to escape his lips and delicate tears to slip down his crimson cheeks.

"You okay, mon amour?" Sharp asked, leaning down over Goggles enough to put his head on the shoulder of his lover.

Goggles nodded quickly, trying to keep himself from going over the edge so soon, "Oui, amour." He rasped out, clutching the couch cushions with a deadly grip.

"Good." Sharp pulled out his fingers suddenly, leaving the professer (I'M IN A RUSH TO WRITE THIS AND HAVE NO TIME TO SEE IF I'M SPELLING THIS WRITE SO PLZ DON'T BE LIKE "Omg thats spelled so wrong hehe lol" IN THE COMMENTTTZZZZ) stunned and a little disapointed, seeing as how he was so close.

Sharp took quick notice and placed a chaste kiss upon Goggles cheek, "Don't be so melancholy," He said, "You're getting what you asked for." Then there was the click, and not just the click of Sharps belt, the click of understndment (also frazed as dots connecting), Goggles was getting what he wanted. He gloated, knowing he had won once again.

The inventer leaned up on to his palms, looking over his shoulder, there his partner sat, ready to pound into him, they made eye contact for a moment, "I'm so glad I get to call you mine." Goggles said bashfully, wishing he could pull his beloved partner in for a kiss.

Though said partner seemed to know what he was thinking and leaned over him, capturing his lips in a loving kiss, "I couldn't agree more," Sharp responded once he pulled away, running a hand down the smallers back until he gripped his hip firmly, easing him back.

"Is this okay, love?" Sharp asked politely as he pushed the tip of his cock into the smaller, though he already knew what his beloved would say.

Goggles dug his nails into the cushions harder than before with a low whine that just barely passed his lips. He barely heard the words of his lover as said lover picked up his slow pace once he got used to the tight heat of the trembling Steve underneath him.

The smaller gasped at a thrust that hit the oh-so sensitive bundle of nervse that made him collapse onto the couch under him, face down ass up. Sharp held back a small chuckle and ran a hand through Goggles hair tugging gently to get his perfect partners attention. The taller leaned down and placed kisses over his partners neck, while still thrusting into the heat of his partners ass.

"You're so pretty, so perfect." Sharp nibbled on Goggles ear - who was moaning loud enough to wake the neighbors - and pulled the smaller back by his hair. "And loud, you'll wake everyone being so loud. . But you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He asked, tugging gently on his partners hair as he lowered his head to take a soft bite at the inventers neck.

Goggles choked on his words, tears forming in the corners of the Red Steved eyes, which had rolled back in pleasure, "Ah~ ahh~ S-Sharp, please, I'm so close," He moaned out as he gasped for air, "don't te-ase me l-like that~,"

Sharp smiled as his partner was broken down, piece by piece, bit by bit, and they both loved it. Sharp finally gave in and stopped teasing his beloved, beginning to hit the perfect spot inside Goggles, getting him to the edge, right where he wanted him. Goggles felt the coil in his stomach tightened and he could barely hold himself back.

The taller ran his fingers over Goggles thighs before gripping them tightly and ramming into his partners prostate, causing the smaller to get thrown over the edge (no not of the couch). Goggles whined and collapsed on to the couch, covered in his cum and sweat.

"Now," Sharp said calmly, removing himself from the gasping Red Steve below him, "bath and bed." Goggles tried to put up a fight but Sharp just raised a brow and he shut up.



They both jumped as chemicals from the kitched table exploded and fell to the floor, shattering the glass containments they were concealed in. Goggled groaned and stood up - stumbled - and pulled up his pants and stomped to the kitchen, "Apperently not."


Okay sorry this took a while to get out and that it's not that good, the truth is that I'm writing an actual book (curently have nothing written for it but I'm doing a lot of research about the topic of the book which is hellenism - greek mythology) and I also just got a job PLUS I haven't been home for a full week since I released BELOVED. (Nothing bad, promise).

I'll probably start making longer chapters of these so that theres no more two parts or more because I don't want to keep you guys waiting for too long, I literally forced myself to finish this chapter and couldn't remember exactly how I wanted it to end because I rushed myself tonight (though I did want the explosion of chemicals).

Though because of it these are probably going to come out every now and then or just when I'm bored or something, but again, sorry for taking so long and Happy Pride Month (I got this really cute one strap black bag from Target, it's a rainbow strap and I love it so much and it's my fav pride - item besides my flags).


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