QUEERS PT3 (Nightbow)

54 4 9

(Switching over to Rainbows POV)

"Now be a good boy~,"

Nightmares' voice sent shivers down my spine as he pushed the tip of his cock into my entrance, earing a quiet moan from me.
Every movement he made was rough and possesive, yet behind it I could tell he was going easy on me. Not really something I wanted him to do.

To be honest, ever since the almost weekly fights with Nightmare, I've noticed I didn't even feel the pain that much, it was more of a sting and it felt good when he left scars. Maybe I was a sadist or maybe just had a pain kink, I benifited from it.

"Awe~ can't you take it?" Nightmare leaned down and bit my ear as he started to pound into my ass, not wasting a second to take what very much was his. I didn't even notice I was wincing and tensing. I'll admit, he was a bit painful to take, including in just size, but like I said; I liked it.

"Y-yes! I-I can~," My voice broke as he finally hit the spot that made my back arch and tears welt in my eyes, filling me with a painful pleasure that got me closer to the edge.
My arms wrapped around his neck, my nails digging into his back as he targeted my prostate. Why did he have to be so on target? He has literally hit it perfectly since accidentally hitting it!

Nightmare gripped my thighs, slamming my down onto his cock in time with his own thrusts, somehow managing to get deeper, and god I fucking loved every second of every thrust. I felt his hot breath on my neck, followed by a sting of pain in the crook. I whined at the sudden agression and he pulled back, looking into my eyes with lust and determanation. A crimson red stained his lips, he licked the liquid away and grinned down at me.

A bite.. A FUCKING BITE? Deep enough to draw blood, precious blood that I felt go right down to my dick because where the hell else would it go after being bit?

"Oh~ you like pain baby?" Nightmare grinned, his hands findind purchase on my hips, gripping 'em so hard he would problably leave bruises tommorow. I didn't have time to answer before the air filled with an electric BUZZ, my whole body shook with ecstasy as Nightmare pounded into me faster and harder than a normal Steve should be ever able to.

I couldn't help but moan louder and whimper, pain quickly faded into pleasure and bliss. My back arched painfully, I was so close I was surprised I didn't explode - I've genuily exploded mulitiple times like a bomb and it's not fun - as Nightmare, my immortal enemy, fucked me into the mattress.

"P-please! S-s-so close~," I begged, trying my best to stay strong as he broke me piece by piece. His thrusts got slower and I had to hold back a disapointed whine.

"Hm, what would happen if I stopped now, huh? While you're so close?" He teased, he gave a hard thrust into my prostate to get me to answer but got a whimper.

"No- n-no no no!" I whined, bucking my hips back against his hoping he'd speed up from the treturase slow pase he was moving at. "P-please, I'll b-be good! P-please, please, p-" I didn't even finish begging before he was speeding back up, grinning down at me with mischif.

"Go on... Keep begging." Wow, someone here has a begging kink apperently.. I wonder if he liked being praised too? Something to experiment with later...

"P-please King~ I need to c-cum~ pl- please let me~," I took a shaky breath, my body trembling with anticapation. "I-I'll be a g-good boy! J-just let me, p-pleasee!" One of Nightmares' hands let go of my hips and wrapped around my throught, adding just enough pressure to make me see stars.

I heard him chuckle a bit, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he neared his own climax. "So desprate for an orgasm.." His breath became heavier, holding back small moans. "Such a pretty little thing~, such a good boy."

Fuck-fuck-fuck! I wasn't gonna be able to hold myself back. I put a hand over my mouth by habit - looookk I live in a house with three people (Sabre, Lucas, Light) and I'm used to having to stay quiet - but Nightmare growled and wripped my hand away, pinning it to the side of my head.

He took his hand from my hip and grabbed my other wrist, pinning it on the oppisate side of my head.

A familar hot sensation ripped its way through my body and I couldn't hold back my moans as I finally came. My whole body tensed and shook while my eyes rolled back, when I finished I slumped into the mattress, taking each thrust Nightmare gave after to chase his own orgasm.

As his crashed over him he collapsed onto my chest, biting my nipple in an attempt to silence his own moans and grunts. I jolted at the feeling, a small whimper escaping my lips. Finally Nightmare sat up and looked down at me, smiling as he saw the breathless look on my face.

"Not so soft eh?" That fucker! I tried to sit up but he pushed me back down, laying on my chest to keep me down. "Nooo.." Okay that was cute. I sighed and ran a hand through his hair, rolling my eyes as he nuzzled into my chest.


Okay I'll be honest, I've never wrote actually good smut before, nor published any :]

Problably not that good and theres DEF spelling mistakes.

This also was rushed so sorry if it's not what you guys expected, I literally don't know smex.


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