BELOVED (Sharp x Goggles)

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(3rd person)

It was late, well past midnight in the realm the Steves called home. Goggles was in the kitchen running a test on some of the potions and robotic equitment that has long been left forgotten in the basement, so the tinkerer decided to dig them up and finish them.

Though Sharp was a little less understanding, the Red Steve couldn't sleep without the presense of his partner. So for the forth time that night Sharp went to the kitchen and leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms.

"You done yet?" Sharp asks, tilting his head to get a better look at the countless items spread across the table and part of the clay floor.

Goggles snapped his head to the intruder, but relaxed when he layed his covered eyes on Sharp. He took - what he is ironically named after - his goggles from his head and switched them out for his glasses, "Far from it." Goggles answered as he stirred the bright liquid that filled a beaker.

Sharp sighed and rubbed his tired eyes, "Could you put that shit down for," He turned to look at the clock, 2:48 am it read. "three. four hours?" Sharps' eyes narrowed.

The smaller Steve took a deep breath and turned to his partner, "Maybe," He pulled Sharps' shirt over Sharps nose, "In an hour.." He pulled his own shirt over his nose and picked up a tube with a green liquid in it, tipping the stange fluid into the larger beaker. There was a poof of purple smoke and as it settled Goggles stirred it with a glass spoon to properly mix the liquids.

"You're not doing this again, Goggle." Sharp practically growled. His eyes spotted the cup of coffee Goggles had poured himself only a few minutes ago to keep him through the night. Sharp exhaled the breath and quickly snatched the coffee cup and dumped it down the drain of the sink, the moment Goggles noticed he tried to stop his dear partner, only to find himself pinned against the counter as Sharp dropped the now-empty cup in the cleaned sink.

"You monster!" Goggles sobbed as he reached for the mug, "That was used wth the last bit of coffee grains!" Goggles went limp and stared up at his partner with sad eyes. "You owe me."

"Owe you what?" Sharp raised and eyebrow, staring at his partner with question, though he had a few ideas.

Goggles grunted and slipped out of Sharps grasp, walking over to his beloved trinkets. Once there he grabbed a round metal object and pressed a red button, he let it slide to the ground and kicked it to Sharp, who stopped it with his foot. When the metal object met Sharps foot it exploded, red ropes flew out and wrapped around Sharp.

Though they seemed weak at first they tightened around his body, forcing him on to his knees. When Sharp finally fell on to his knees Goggles stepped forwards, cupping his dears chin. "Owe me a new way to stay awake, asshole."

Sharp blushed as Goggles leaned down, giving Sharp a peck on the nose, "You're really annoying when you're not tied up." Goggles got down on his knees in front of Sharp so they were at an even level. "I suppose you could use a bit of dicapline?"

The taller shook his head with a smile as he slipped a dagger from the back of his belt. Slowly he kept gnawing at the rope with the knife, the unknowing Goggles giggled as he peppered Sharps face with tiny kisses, "You're so lucky I'm busy." He said as he kissed at Sharps jaw and nipped at his partners neck.

The other let out a small moan at the feeling but did not let it stop him, finally with one last cut he was free, "Yeah, but you're unlucky too." Sharp said, making Goggles furrow his brows.

Sharp grinned from ear to ear as he tossed the knife to the side, when Goggles finally connected the dots it was too late, Sharp pounced on Goggles and pinned him to the ground, smothering him with kisses. Goggles wrapped his arms around Sharps neck, hitting his back three times in surrender.

"I heel!" Goggled giggled, Sharp stopped, but he didn't move. He hovered above Goggles for a moment before lowering himself to place a firm kiss on the lips of his scarlet red partner.

Goggles hesitated for a moment before kissing back, the arms around Sharps neck tightened and drew him closer until the two were flat against the floor in a deep make-out session. It was Goggles who moved first, slowly grinding on Sharp as their tongues faught.

Sharp tangled a hand in Goggles hair, tugging gently at it until the smaller surrendered. "AH~" Goggles let a moan slip from his lips as Sharp moved back against him until they were both hard as a rock.
Goggles bit his lip and drew Sharp as close to him as he could, "Y-you win.." Goggles whine as Sharp chuckled and pulled Goggles lab coat off.

The taller leaned up and repositioned the smaller until he was comfortably seated on his lap, where Sharp stripped off the remainder of Goggles upper clothing. Goggles straightened up, and attempted to lift up Sharps clothing, though his attempts were useless since where he ended up next was face down on the couch in their living room.

"Hmm, you're really pretty." Sharp complimented as he leaned down to kiss the back of Goggles neck, which the eager responded with a whimper.

"Pllleasee hurry up- I feel like I could die without you inside~," Goggles begged, turning his head back the best he could to see his beloved partner.

"Love, we have barely started," Sharp chuckled as he kissed up Goggles neck until their lips connect in soft yet suffercating kiss. Sharp snakes a hand under Goggles and unbuckles his pants, pulling them down painfully slow in the inventers opinion, yet he appreciated the time to adjust on the couch.

"I can still be needy." Goggles grinned ear to ear and swayed his hips as he leaned up on his elbows making Sharp smile as he pulled Goggles down more.

Sharp moved his hand in front of Goggles, not even needing to say anything as the smaller took three of Sharps fingers into his mouth sucking gently. "Good boy, I didn't even have to say anything this time." The taller placed a small kiss on Goggles cheek, when he figured his fingers were covered in enough saliva he pulled them out.


I'm pausing it there because CLIFF HANGERRRSSSSS HHEHEHEHEHH (pt2 soon)
and I also want to hear EmmaRobertson4s opinion is on this since they are the one who has requested these two cuties!
But I also just like cliff hangers cuz it gives me a bit to think of what else to add.

And don't worry Kosmic I have a Nightbow story cookin up as you all read this so that will be out soon!

I've also was very confusled on where to put lube but I've read people writing about using salivaaaa sooooo like don't yell at me?? NO SO IM CONFUSED WITH ITS EXISTANCE T-T


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