QUEERS PT2 (Nightbow)

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(Still in NM POV)

Slowly and Methodically I've been losing it.

The little sun spot visits me at the castle now, even after our own battles. The old sayings are true: Give a dog a bone and they'll take more.
Helping my enemy once with two little morons - that could have been defeated easily - has led Rainbow Steve to think it's okay to barge into my abode of darkness and nightmares.

Today he stopped by with some flowers to "liven the palace up" which in my opinion is needed but is useless since they will wilt in about a week, the only ones that don't wilt are the ones in the gardens and the wither roses scatered around.

It had taken a true amount of effort in this short time not to take Rainbow for myself, more than he already was without knowing.
Rainbow had an unusal glow to him, and it wasn't just the red glow on his cheeks, it was something more enthusiastic, maybe playful. I'm not good with emotions but he seemed nervous as well.

I kept studying him, not even notcing how close we've gotten. His cheeks burned with crimson and his eyes flickered back and forth between me and anything else in the room, well until I grabbed his face. His squishy red cheeks looked even more puffed in my hands as I forced him to look up at me.

"N-Nightmare?" He asked oh so innocently as I leaned in closer. I couldn't pull away, I could practically feel the machines breaking in my brain, warning my to abort and turn away before I did something I would regret, or even something to hurt Rainbow.
His blush seemed to get brighter - if that was even possible - when we were nose to nose, I kept staring into his beautiful hetrocromia eyes that were radiating with confusion and a sense of longing. "Are you listening?"

"I don't care." I mumbled back, stepping forwards hard enough for him to stumble back a bit, easily to be caught by me so he didn't fall.
The only reason I moved forwards was because I wanted to push him against the wall; but I knew it wouldn't be a good choice so I stopped moving almost entirely.

He straightened up, his hands cupping around the one I held to his face, squeezing gently on his red cheeks, he looked me dead in the eyes and I looked back. The silence was loud in the castle, the only thing I could hear was our heartbeats, his was beating frantically while mine was only slightly calmer.

Rainbow broke the silence first, "Scared?" Surprisingly he smiled, leaning in closer.

Fuck it. I'm going to hell either way.

I tightened my grip on his face and pulled him in quickly and forcfully. Our lips crashed together and it was heavanly, he didn't fight back when I pushed him to the wall and continued our kiss. The anticapation was killing me, I wasn't going to be able to let him walk away with only getting a kiss.

I swept my tongue across his bottom lip, patiently waiting for him to understand my hint, and it didn't take him a second moment to part his lips. Now as much as I like to see Rainbow try and win battles, this was not one he was going to win; his tongue fought against mine as if he could win this.

I let go of his cheeks and let my hand drift down to his throat, I squeezed gently on the perfect spot to make him gasp in surprise. I didn't waste a second claiming his mouth again, this time he didn't fight because each time he tried I would add pressure to his throat which he seemed to enjoy.

Now who knew the sweet little innocent Rainbow Steve could like being choked? I certainly didn't expect it, but oh how I loved it, I would certainly be using it to my advantage.

I pushed a knee between his thighs, adding pressure to a certain area that made him moan my name with such pleasure.. I was personally going to make sure he couldn't walk tomorrow. Rainbow whined under me and I pulled away, watching as he gasped for breath.
The look in his eyes were lustful and pleased, don't tell me this little shits been sceaming of ways to make me lose control.

"I'm no so scared now, am I?" I said with a mocking tone, pressing down on his groin harder, a moan escaped his lips and he grinned.

"No, but you're being soft." That word... That fucking word. Everything snapped in me, my face fell into one of annoyance and determanation. I grabbed Rainbows wrist and dragged him behind me like a ragdoll. If he thought he wasn't going to get punished for his taunt that would be soft, but oh no.. He was going to get what he wanted, and I wasn't going to go easy on him.


I threw Rainbow onto the bed, not wasting a second I pounced on top of him, grabbing his neck and pushing him into the mattress hard enough to shake the frame. He parted his lips for me and I didn't waste a second to claim his mouth in a kiss-slash-make out session.
It didn't take us long to get to the point of undressing, and his body was gorgeus, mixed olive and white skin, now messy rainbow, beautiful lustful eyes that screamed "fuck me".

Oh how the innocence is gone from his perfection.
I grabbed the back of his neck and set him on the pillows, he giggled and examined my body, his eyes settling on the scars that were slashed across my chest, he leaned up and left light kissed on the scars. I growled an slammed him back on to the mattress turning my head away before he saw all the blush that had covered my cheek; it wasn't that I didn't like him kissing the scars, it was that that part of my chest was sensitive (mostly because of man titties).

Rainbow's fingers ghosted over my jaw and gently turned my head back to look at him, his eyes spoke volumes of apologies and regret for something that wasn't truely his fault - well mostly, some of the scars are from him.

I leaned down to press our forheads together, kissing the palm of his hand as it cupped my face, "Sorry, it's not that I didn't like your kisses, my chest is just really sensitive." I gave a soft kiss to his nose as he nodded in response. The look in his eyes changed back to playful, I raised an eyebrow at him, confused on how quick his mood changed.

Suddenly I understood as he knocked me to the side and sat on my stomach, "H-hey! Rainbow what the-," He cut me off by kissing me, I grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled him closer. He whined and pulled back for air, I took the distraction as an opertunity to flip us back over so he was under me.

"Don't try that again." I scowled, wrapping a hand around his neck again. His body shivered in exitement and nodded, spreading his legs wide enough for me to fit between.

With a smirk I adjusted out position, wrapping his legs around my waist. "Now be a good boy~," I whispered in his ear.



But yeah this was longer than it was supposed to so ofc we gonna have a part 3 (AT SOME POINT)


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