The Dark in The Light PT2 (Lark)

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(Darks POV:)

As pathetic and sick Light looked right now I couldn't help but feel bad, I wanted to just laugh at them and called them all the mean names I could think about... But this was all my fault and I knew it.

It had been what, sixy years since we've talked? (look at the end of chpt) My powers were doomed to corrupt them sooner or later..
The only reason they have survived this long was the from the fact that they are a being of pure light and hope, darkness was not something that was supposed to be in them.. But what are heros always told? Don't fratanise with an enemy.

It's a good thing I felt compeled to see them, plus they had something I wanted.
Light shivered and stirred, their beauitiful bluish-white eyes opened and upon settling on me Light flinched with surprise and sat up.

I smirked, putting my hands on the bed, on knee on the edge of the bed, threatening to crawl in next to them. Not much of a threat though, more of a promise because there was no way I was going to let them be this close to me without holding them once and stealing a kiss or something. "Miss me?"

"No actually." They moved back until their head hit the wall, quickly hugging their knees to their chest.

"That's a fucking lie." I pushed myself forwards until I was kneeling on the bed completely. I put my hands on their knees, hovering over their face.

"Why are you here?"  Light hissed, their expression turning stone-cold.

I snorted and sat back on my legs, "You have something of mine." Lie. I'd taken my shit back already but I wasn't about to play the "I miss you and need you" card or whatever.
Light clutched their left hand to their chest suddenly, ready to hit me with their right if I tried to take it.

Wait they actually had something of mine? I grabbed their fist and slammed it into the wall next to their head and snatched their left hand. They struggled and tried to wiggle out of my grasp but they were weak and I was fully powered at the moment.

I finally got their left hand and my eyes settled on a black ring with obsidian engraved stones, one big one and two smaller ones on the side. When I left I had totally forgotten about this, I had only thought about it a few time and it was when I was thinking about the day I gave this to them.

"You... Still wear this?" My eyes flickered up to meet theirs and tears had swollen in them. I let go of their right hand and used my now-free hand to cup their face in my palm, I brought their left and to my chest holding it over my heart. My hand was in their view and I watched as they noiced I still wore my ring.

Mine was white with diamonds engraved into it. I never forgot about mine though, everytime I looked at my hand I had to quickly look away because all I would think about is what I fucked up and ruined. I hadn't thought about them still wearing that ring though.

"You still wear yours?" Their eyes flickered up and made contact with mine.

"Why wouldn't I?" I leaned in until our foreheads were touching, I wanted so badly to kiss them and hold them, to repair all the damage I've caused and to fix the cracks in their heart I left. It had been too long since we've done anything except fight and scream at each other.

They tilted and didn't waste a second to connect our lips. I'd almost forgotten how soft their lips were, how cold their body was too but I was practically a burning furnace so they felt good against me. I kissed Light back, pushing their back flat against the wall as I took control.
I promised myself when I came here that I woudn't let myself get like this, that I wouldn't get attached again, I wouldn't stay the night, that I wouldn't end up next to them again.

Light was the first to break the kiss, their eyes locked on to mine and I shivered, my body tensing when I pulled back from the bed and stood on the oppisate side of the room, my back pressed to the wall. "I-I... Sorry." I turned my head away, hiding the blush that dusted across my olive cheeks.

"I.. Don't regret that.." They mumbled, reposistioning themselves on the edge of the bed. I noticed a bit of black peeking up from their neck, and my first thought was a hickey - but I knew better. I crossed the room and grabbed Lights face, tilting their head to the side to see.

Their face turned red but quickly they became concerned. I pulled their collar to the side and my eyes widened when I saw the ink black veins that corrupted their skin.

A part of me felt proud, acheived for doing something so purely horrible to a being of light, the other part felt repulsed at myself for allowing myself to do that to them.

"What is it?" Light asked, paled eyes connected with mine as fear flooded them.

"Shhh.." I kneeled down in front of them, causing painful flashes of the past to run through my mind, and tugged up on their shirt. "I need to check something.." I pulled off their shirt and I almost smiled - the darkness in me pulling on the strings of my heart - when I saw the black ink of darkness engraving itself all through their stomach like cracks on glass.

"What is that!?" Light looked down with wide eyes, their body starting to shake. Darkness wrapped itself around me, suddenly the care I felt was gone and I grabbed Lights' hair, tilting their head back to show their neck. My lips curved into a smirk as the darkness spread farther up their neck.

I leaned to the crook of Lights' neck, my teeth exposed and ready to sink into their soft flesh. My mind screamed at me to stop and pull away before I made it worse, but the darknesses pull was stronger. Lights' hand gripped my own hair and tried to pull me back but I'd already sank my teeth into their skin.


Ahhhh... Here we go again.. *Opens new page with smut warning*

This page reminded me that I have not put a smut warning on AT ALL and I ain't gonna start now so ya'll just gotta wait and find out where the smut is LOL.

But I also wanted to explain some things for this, so the reason why I put that Dark and Light haven't talked in 60 years was because of The Steve Saga Origins. When Blue Steve was obsorbed into Rainbow you can see a white daisy next to him, so my friend and I head cannon that it was Light Steve.

We also know that after Rainbow was put to sleep sometime while he was out he ended up seperating into all the colors, which is why Blue Steve needed Sabre's help to put them back together again. Later in the series when Sabre is taking Rainbow apart does Light make an appearence. So we believe that the first time Rainbow was seperated Light Steve was out and they protected Steves while Rainbow was asleep, which is why I said that stuff.

Most of this stuff is based off from my friend and I's head cannons and beliefs so please don't get all pissy again this book is just for gits and shiggles.

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