Thirty-Five | Saved Conversations

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I remember the one summer night in Saint-Tropez, when Antonio and I snuck out to watch the fireworks celebration on the beach.

We were supposed to be fast asleep, of course, but the idea of the forbidden was too much to resist.

The bursts of color against the inky black sky were breathtaking.

But as we got closer, the heat grew intense, the sulfurous smell stinging our noses.

We ended up coughing and wheezing, our eyes watering, barely able to see the dazzling display we'd risked everything for.

That night made me realize fireworks are best enjoyed from a distance.

The same goes for arguments, I suppose.

I remember storming back home, furious with Antonio for dragging us away.

We yelled, we blamed—the whole thing spiraled out of control faster than a runaway firework rocket.

In the quiet of the night, after the smoke had cleared and the embers of anger had cooled, we apologized.

We realized the fight had overshadowed the beauty of the fireworks, just like our angry words had overshadowed the love we had for each other.

Maybe that's the lesson.

Sometimes, especially with those we care about, it's better to take a breath, step back, and wait for the smoke to clear before letting our emotions explode.

- Azzy

Chapter Thirty-Five: Saved Conversations

"Honestly, I knew I wasn't the only one up for the spot, Azura," Elle assured me.

I only shook my head, "But I still feel as if you should've found out from me instead of someone from my team," I explained, knowing that if I were in that situation, I would've rather heard it from that specific person.

Elle only shook her head as she sipped her drink, "You had a lot going on. Really, I never took it personally," she explained.

I nodded, taking a brief sip of my drink, "Honestly..." I trailed off hesitantly, "I need to ask you something," I finally said, setting my drink down, which was almost empty.

I wasn't quite sure what drink I was on at this point, but I felt good.

I didn't feel drunk, but I was definitely looser.

Elle nodded, "What is it?" she asked as her green eyes trailed my face curiously.

I briefly glanced over to Renata who seemed to still be talking to Ciara, "What happened... between you and Renata?"

The question was blunt and straightforward but perhaps Elle would give me some sort of answer.

Elle raised a brow, "I don't think it's my place to tell," she determined, easily causing a frown to grow on my lips.

"Why is everyone so secretive?" I said, mostly to myself, which easily made Elle tilt her head as her eyes continued trailing my face.

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