Chapter 24

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Isabella answered, "not yet." Cameron says, "I think it's important for Aiden to know." Hailey says, "Cam's right, you should tell him." Isabella sighs saying, "I know, and I will tell him soon, can we please change the topic now?!." Cameron replies, "sure." Isabella asked, "what do you both have planned for the summer?." Hailey replies, "well we are finally going to be travelling to USA and we get to fly first class." Isabella says, "that sounds like the perfect summer." Cameron replies, "I get the window seat." Hailey rolls her eyes as Isabella slurps her milkshake before asking, "why don't you guys come over to my place for a sleepover night?." They both nod as Isabella smiles; later that evening Isabella is in her room with Truffles on her laptop going through her emails as she sees rejection on quite a few of them before she suddenly screams loudly spooking Truffles who runs out of the room. She yells, "I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!." Hailey comes holding a baseball bat whilst Cameron has his face mask and holds a sandwich; Hailey says, "whoever you are better come out now! I have a bat and I am not scared to use it!." Cameron says, "you will regret messing with us!." Isabella looked at her friends in shocked asking, "what are you guys doing here and who are you talking about?! Hailey, what's with the bat?!." 

Hailey replies, "I brought this ages ago and kept it in your house to use to protect us from the intruder!." Cameron says, "yeah, they won't stand a chance against us." Isabella takes a deep breath answering, "guys, there is no intruder and even if there was, what do you plan on doing with a sandwich in your hand, Cameron?." Cameron answers, "I was going to smack their head, baloney is very powerful." Isabella says, "I doubt that would even hurt them." Cameron says, "you have the audacity to doubt my sandwich throwing skill." Cameron throws the sandwich at Isabella as she scowls before he leaves the room as Hailey says, "if there is no intruder then why were you screaming?." Isabella answers, "I won't tell you till you put that bat away." Hailey nods and heads out to put it away before coming back in asking, "so why were you yelling, girl?." Isabella moves her laptop around as Hailey reads the email before saying with excitement, "you got it, girl!." Isabella says, "yeah!." Hailey says, "congratulations!." Cameron comes inside saying, "I am so happy for you, bestie... wait, why don't you look happier?!." Hailey noticed a certain sadness in Isabella's eyes asking, "girl, did you not want the internship?! I know how hard you have worked to get this opportunity." Isabella says, "I do, it's just now that it is official, it feels so surreal... I am anxious to tell Aiden about it and I am afraid it will impact our relationship." Hailey says, "I don't think you have anything to worry about, girl." Cameron says, "yeah I have never seen two people more in love, except for our parents of course." Isabella feels a sigh of relief just as her phone beeps and she sees a text from Aiden; she looks at Cameron and Hailey saying, "Aiden's texted me asking me to go to the carnival with him tomorrow night, perhaps it is the right time to tell him there."

Hailey says, "maybe not tell him when you are on a date." Cameron says, "Hailey's right for once." Hailey rolls her eyes as Isabella says, "it's not a date, we are just hanging out." Hailey says, "date or not, just tell him when the time is right." Cameron says, "I couldn't agree more." Isabella wondered, 'could Hailey and Cameron have a point?.' Hailey asks, "now that's all sorted, what do you say we have a movie night?." Isabella answered, "I was already watching a movie." Cameron replies, "no way, we need to watch it together on screen... what movie have you chosen?." Isabella clicks on a tab showing, 'High School Musical' as Hailey says with delight, "Ah, Zac Efron is my boo! I will go prepare the snacks, but you cannot start the film without me." As she heads into the kitchen Cameron carries the laptop to the living room and sets it up before Hailey comes back with a tray of popcorn and snacks. The next evening Isabella gets ready as she says, "Mr Truffles, how do I look?." Truffles purrs as Isabella lifts him and gives him a kiss before soon leaving. At the carnival Aiden was waiting for Isabella at the entrance as she says, "sorry I'm late." Aiden says, "no worries, are you ready to have some fun?." Isabella replies, "that depends on whether you can beat me at a game." Aiden asks, "hmm, is that a bet I hear?." Isabella replies with a teaseful smile, "perhaps." Aiden says, "consider yourself challenged, babe... I will even give you the prize." Isabella giggles before taking Aiden's hand and heading over to the booth.

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