Doan and Asher 2

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"Sorry about that. Not every day I meet a dominant omega. Actually your probably the first one I've ever met that I know of. I didn't realize you would have such a hard time." He was as surprised to meet a dominant as I was. His apology seemed sincere

D omegas weren't quite as rare as D alphas but still very scarce. Unless intentionally set up with a D omega, an alpha of his caliber was unlikely to meet an omega like me in his day-to-day life. D omegas weren't really fit for things like customer service roles or jobs that required regular interaction with the public. Our cripling submissive anxiety and lack of physical strength pigeonholed us into a very select few industries. Many without the proper education or skill set for those jobs were simply set up to marry an alpha by their families. And then there were those who had no families to help them find a good match. They usually ended up here or in some other less savory positions...

"Are you feeling better Asher?" He had picked up my name during his perusal of the paperwork. Hearing it being said by that velvet-like alpha voice sent a shiver down my spine. It had been a long time since dealing with even a recessive alpha.

Nodding my head quickly I took in a few calming breathes of his pheromones. He took a breath about to speak again but before he could say another word a nurse opened the door interrupting him. She looked around the room at the 8 waiting people and called my name out. Trying to gauge who the patient might be before they responded. Still unable to find words in the presence of the alpha beside me, the nurse was met with silence. She called out again slightly annoyed.

"He is here." He spoke up on my behalf. "She is waiting for you, Asher."

I took that as permission to leave his oppressive presence and jumped up with my clipboard in hand. As I approached the stout nurse I could tell she was a beta. She had no reaction to the smell of the insane pheromones that walked me across the room as if holding my hand. The control D alphas had over their scent was impressive.

"Come on honey. I don't bite." The middle-aged woman's annoyed face turned to one of sweet understanding when she realized she was dealing with an omega. Once out of the waiting room, she took my clipboard and read over my responses making sure I had filled it out in its entirety. We walked down a hall and she knocked on the door to the doctors office politely. We entered upon hearing a soft 'come in'.

"Your next client doc." Handing the paperwork over to a petite female recessive omega, the beta walked out with a reassuring smile in my direction.

"Hello...Mr. Nohls ." She Skimmed the name off my file quickly. "I'm Dr. Merlo I will be conducting your physical assessment and I will be completing your insemination process if everything checks out. Please have a seat over there."

She wasn't paying attention at first and being recessive it wasn't as much of a smack in the face to her but when she finally noticed the pheromones she frowned. "Are you an attached omega? You do know the rule is no sex with any alphas during the insemination process and resulting pregnancy... If you are matched with an alpha through our clinic breaking that rule will lead to a hefty fine and legal action will most likely be pursued by the alpha client."

Her brown eyes were warm and nurturing. She wasn't being mean just trying to warn me. The idea of losing my chance at a decent paycheck set off a red alert in my head and I finally found the voice I had lost in the waiting room in order to answer her quickly. "N-no I'm not attached! Some alpha in the waiting room did this on his own. I'm sorry."

Nodding she dismissed the issue and the rest of the assessment went smoothly.

"Your twenty-eight, still in your prime. Your in good health. Your heats are all regular, great for being an extremely Dominant omega. If your psychiatric screening goes well you will have no issues getting pregnant. It's rare for the first attempt to take but with your predisposition I would not be surprised if it did." She was pleased with everything. None of this was music to my ears but I had to do what I had to do.

"Thank you, doctor. What are my next steps?" I really wanted to ask when the money was coming but that would have been a bit uncouth. I didn't want to look like a desperate omega despite having to stoop this low.

"Like I mentioned, a psych eval will be scheduled by Lisa at the front desk with our in-house psychiatrist. Then, we will pair you with an Alpha in need. Once someone picks your profile you will be contacted and we will set up another appointment to complete the insemination process. You will not be in any direct contact with the receiver of the baby except through the clinic. It will all be done anonymously. The alpha will not be privy to your personal information like name and contact info. They will only be able to see the pertinent information regarding age, omega status, and health concerns. Nothing personal when selecting a surrogate.
Once insemination is confirmed you will receive a monthly stipend to support you and ensure the baby is in good health at the time of the birth. If the labor is successful you will then receive a lump sum payment. Your monthly stipend and the final payment will be determined by the alpha that chooses your profile. Our clinic goes by the highest bidder if there are multiple interested parties. This is in the omega's best interest of course.
If you manage to be impregnated but something happens out of your control causing you to lose the child, you do not have to refund whatever monthly stipend was already paid out to you but you will only receive final payment upon delivery of a live baby. If the child is born with any health defects or illnesses that we could not predict in our screenings the alpha will have to take on that risk and is still required to pay you in full and take ownership of the child. If it is determined the health issues were due to something you purposely hid you will be held legally liable and forfeit your final payment. You will also be expected to repay your monthly stipend along with any legal fees associated. This is all written in much more detail in the contract that will be signed before insemination but I know those contracts can be lengthy so I like to mention a few of the key points.
Along with our standard contract, an alpha may request you sign a secondary contract with stipulations they wish to impart in addition to the clinic's basic rules. If you wish to be part of this program the clinic contract must be agreed to and adhered to in its entirety for the duration of this process. Any added contracts on the alpha client's part may be subject to negotiations by the omega. Or you can outright refuse their added contract and find another alpha. That's all up to you. Do not feel pressured to accept their conditions. Some omega's even agreed to the added conditions in exchange for a larger monthly stipend in past surrogacies I have been a part of." She explained at length making sure I understood every part of what she was saying.

"Ok, thank you doctor." I nodded and hopped off the exam bed. This all seemed on the up and up nothing to fear. She sent me on my way with a handshake. I walked a bit dazed back to the front desk to set up my next appointment. Everything was going smoothly but I was still on edge and my head was overloaded with information.

"Ok hon, your psych appointment will be on the 25th." The beta set it up and sent me on my way.

The 25th was concerning. Even if I passed the evaluation setting me up with an alpha would take a week or two. Then I would need to make the insemination appointment for my next heat since I wrote on the form that this one was coming up too soon. I had hoped if my heat was soon it would speed things along. So that would mean no insemination for at least two months. Would my landlord wait for the money if I explained it to them? I was already so far behind. Anxiety twisted my empty stomach into bits at the thought but there was nothing to do now but wait. I had exhausted all other avenues of income.

My hand was on the door of the office exit when I felt a familiar pheromone. It was that alpha walking over to catch me. I wanted to continue on my way and avoid any further interaction with his pheromones but they kept me pinned down as he reached me.

"Can I talk to you for a sec? I promise it will be worth your time." What did he mean by that? His scent had changed from calming to almost nagging desperation. I guess I would find out since I couldn't bring myself to refuse his request. He opened the door for me and we headed outside together. Away from any prying eyes. He had already caught the attention of the room in the time I was having my check-up. Evident by both the alpha and omega eyes tracking his movements as we left the building.

Erotic wolf Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now