Doan and Asher 10

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Two weeks had gone by since the start of the contract. Doan seemed a little more irritable at the start of each visit. I knew I wasn't the source of the bad mood since the emotion left his pheromones the second we entered the apartment. It must have had something to do with work. So not any of my business.

"When is the next time you can come out?" He asked. Since our first meeting, he had lowered his tone considerably when speaking to me.

"I'll text you. I have a couple of things this week." We were currently stuck uncomfortably close as we waited the hour for his knot to go down. "Wake me when you're done knotting I'm going to take a nap."

I did try to fall asleep but it wasn't the most comfortable position to be in. As I tried to drift off Doan's phone rang and he reached over to the bedside table to grab it. I unintentionally listened to his side of the convo but could also hear a few words here and there on the other end. A man's voice. I tried zoning it out and not eavesdropping but tunned right back in when the word Omega came from the phone. I didn't let on that I was awake and listening. Keeping my breathing even and my body loose I waited to hear more.

"Yes set up the meeting."

"Friday one o'clock...he'll be waiting...."

"Glad you found one so quickly," Doan replied. Dang it I should have started listening from the beginning.

Why was the man on the phone setting up a meeting for Doan with an omega he found? Was it a regular omega or a dominant? This sounded troublesome to me. If he was trying to meet another Dominant omega, why? Maybe I was overthinking. It was probably just a recessive omega fuck buddy he was looking for since he could have normal sex with them. They could emit pheromones without the same side effects as a D omega.

I didn't care what or who he did in his spare time. It was none of my business.


Is what I thought. So why the hell was I posted up at 12:00 o'clock outside of Doan's office building waiting to catch a glimpse of the omega?

"Are you sure it's even a Dominant he's meeting? Nina sat in the driver's seat and watched the goings on surrounding the building. "Could just be a recessive toy."

"I thought that too but you know my intuition is never wrong when I wish it was. I just have to be sure with my own eyes." If Doan was meeting a Dominant it was only for a couple of reasons and all of them could mess with my money. "Did you get any tips from your friends back home?"

"Crickets but it is a little quick for rumors to spread. I'll probably have a name by tomorrow or the day after." She sighed knowing full well that if this meeting today went the way the alpha wanted, it would be too late.

"You won't hear anything if their handler is as good as you are." Nina never once gossiped, let slip, or ratted on me for anything. Best handler someone like me could have hoped for and why we remained friends till this day.

"My question is why the fuck are we still doing this shit. Sharing is caring Asher. Who cares if Daddy Warbucks is trying to get a pheromone fix? It's a win for him and a win for whatever Dominant omega gets the job. Plenty of Dominants in ZRO need the money. This Ralph guy has plenty to go around from what I found on him. You're the only D omega that would be willing to get pregnant by a D alpha so no issues with that." She reassured.

"You never know. I had  my reasons, this omega could too. Plus if they really are a Dominant from  ZRO they might try to get him hooked. Then I'm out of luck. He'll be at their beck and call."  If Doan got addicted to what this new D omega was putting out, he would want to spend all his free time with them in hopes of another fix. I was not sure if  D alphas reacted the same as regular and recessive alphas but if my little free sample was any indication... I didn't have high hopes for Doan's self-control.

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