Damon and Blanc

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I sat at the kitchen table putting the final touches on my latest sketch. He was perfect in every way, straight nose, well-defined jaw, and sharp cheekbones all coming together to make an almost inhuman being. Although this one was drawn in black and white it was in such detail that you could see the golden blonde of his hair and just knew his eyes were the clearest ice blue.

"How many drawings do you need of him?" My little sister asked rolling her eyes at the sight of yet another picture of the same man.

I smiled down at this one. "All of them. All of them until I can take a picture."

She walked over to the table and looked at my latest creation. "I'll admit he's pretty damn good looking but I don't understand how you could be so obsessed with someone you haven't even met."

"Your human, you can never understand." I was different from my sister Katherine. We had the same father but different mothers. Mine was a werewolf, like a literal werewolf, hers was just a human. When my mother came down to earth she was in a bit of a rebellious phase. Instead of listening tto the goddesses  will and staying with her human mate she left him after giving birth to me. I had stayed with her for a while but she recently remarried another human and I didn't want to be a bother so I asked my dad if I could stay with him.

Kat looked over her shoulder and lowered her voice. "But what about that thing your mother said?"

I glanced at her panicked for a moment but tried to play it cool. "What thing?"

Kat huffed and made an annoyed tsk sound as if she was the most annoyed thirteen-year-old on the planet. "Don't play dumb Blanc. I overheard your mom and you when she saw that first drawing."

I paled. "Dont worry about that. You should really stop being nosey."

"Hey, it's not my fault that just because I was little you guys acted like I wasn't there." She defended.

Picking up the latest drawing I stood to leave. "You were Six. We didn't even think you were listening."

"Is it true?" she followed me out if the kitchen and down the hall to my room.

I sighed and turned to her. "My mother has never been wrong."

She looked as if she wanted to continue the conversation but I closed the door on her. Careful not to wrinkle it I laid the picture in the thickening portfolio on my work desk. There were probably five hundred different pictures of my beloved in that binder. All the drawings I had ever made since I was nine and my mother had bought me my first sketchpad. All drawings of the man I would be killed by.

  Or at least that's what my mother had assumed after seeing his picture.


"He's a vampire." She gasped looking down at the pretty picture I had drawn of a man surrounded by flowers.


"You're beloved is a vampire." She repeated.

"Those are real?" I looked up at her wide-eyed as a six-year-old Kat continued coloring in her tree.

My mother sighed. "Yeah..."

She pulled me close and hugged me tightly. "For your sake, I hope you never meet him."

I glared at her.  All my life she smiled and nodded when I told her about my beloved, and telling me how happy I would be when we finally met and now she was telling me I shouldn't find him? "Why not?"

"You know what a vampire is, don't you? You've heard stories and stuff?" I nodded. My friend Alex had actually dressed as one for Halloween last year. " Well, sweety they drink blood to survive and, like humans, aren't drawn to their beloved. They won't know it is you they are supposed to be with and your blood will smell even sweeter than normal to them. Your beloved won't be able to help themselves, they will kill you on sight."

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