Zen and oscar

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I looked down at the still sleeping Zen. The effects of the bite mostly worn off now but it would never completely leave.

As quickly and quietly as I could without waking Zen, I extracted myself from his bed. His breathing caught for a moment scaring me into thinking I had woken him but when it leveled out again I sighed in relief. walking over to the baby's crib I smiled down at her still sleepy eyes. It was 3 Am and time for a feeding. Looking back at Zens sleeping form I made a decision. Lifting little Zen from the crib I picked up her diaper bag and the still packed hospital bag that held a few of my things. This would get us by for a couple of days. I quickly slipped my shoes on and looked back at the bed one more time before reaching the front door of the studio apartment.

"By Zen." This time I would have a say in my future. It wasn't only up to the alphas to decide what was best for me.

It was like baby Zen knew what she wanted as well because at that moment she burst out crying. I jolted but made a quick exit without bothering to see if her outburst woke her daddy.

I rushed down the steps as fast as I could. Three more flights.

I finally made it to the final floor and ran out the front of the building. I didn't want to look like a crazy person so I slowed down to a walk and thanked the goddess that it was a warm spring night. I just had to make it to the bus stop and then my sent would be lost amongst the smell of the other bodies on the bus. Before I could make it fully past my building a figure landed directly in front of me. Not having bothered to put any clothing on Zen glared down at me still in his boxers.

"Where do you think you are going?" Zen growled.

"Away." I squeak.

Zen chuckles as he puts a hand around my shoulder and begins to lead me back to my apartment. "yeah? no. I'm not letting you take the child."

"Why? Why can't I fucking decide for myself?!" my resolve was back and stepped out from under his arm.

The volume of my voice made Zen look around for a moment but we weren't in the best neighborhood so I wasn't really worried about anyone intervening.

"You can decide for yourself all you want but I will not let you drag our child around living a life of poverty. I know I didn't make the best decision but I made the decision anyone else would have made. I knew I shouldn't have even touched you in the first place but I couldn't control my wolf and for that I'm sorry. Now you have a decision to make; run away from me taking our child with you and giving her a life of struggle or coming with me and finally be able to have a good nights sleep and not stress over how you will care for her and yourself." Zen looked me straight in the eye as he waited for my reply.

"You also said I could give you the child and be on my way before."

Zen shook his head. "Neither of us wants that."

I nodded my head but didn't say anything else. I felt defeated but somehow happy about it. He was taking a lot of weight of my shoulder and I couldn't just ignore the life he could give us because of a stupid thing he did a year ago.

Zen smiled suddenly I was being swept up into his arms baby and all. "I'm not about to walk down four flights of stairs I left the door on the roof open."

He cleared the building in one leap and landed lightly on the roof. in minutes we were back in bed the baby fed and fast asleep.

"Don't leave me, Oscar." He whispered before smuggling me close.

I wouldn't. Not again.

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