Daniel and Sean

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"You can't keep him here forever alpha. His parents will start to notice." Noah had been trying his best to let me leave the house for the last hour but Daniel wouldn't budge.

"He freaked out and tried to run Noah. If we let him go now who knows what will happen." Daniel growled.

"I promise not to do anything! I swear I won't tell a sole what happened here today. I mean Noah's my best friend, I wouldn't want people knowing his secret!" I jumped on the slightest chance that I could be set free. I wasn't going to tell anyone anyways, they would just think I was crazy.

Daniel sighed and thought for a moment. "And what about me?"

What about him? "What?"

"We are mates. Will I ever get to see you again if I let you leave?" Daniel looked pleadingly at me.

"I'm not ready to have your babies, sorry dude. I doubt I ever will be. The idea that I could even get pregnant is weird as fuck. So once I leave I don't think I'll be visiting anytime soon sorry." I knew what I just said probably wasn't going to help me get out of here anytime soon but I had to be honest with him. I wasn't going to be part of some animalistic procreating system. I wanted to fall in love and have my first time be with someone I loved.

"Sean it's not all about pups! Daniel really loves you and wants to be with you forever, with or without pups." The Pixie interjected.

"What? We just met like an hour ago dude how could he actually claim to love me? People don't fall in love in an hour. That's called lust." I shook my head. No way was this guy suddenly pledging his undying love to me after only an hour. Noah wouldn't fall for me even after years

"That's what mates are like. Noah and I had nothing to do with each other before he turned of age but now here we are. I'm pregnant and he's been waiting on me hand and foot." Oliver explained.

I pretty much forgot all the things he was saying except for the part where he said he was pregnant. "PREGNANT?!"

"Oh shit," Noah muttered.

"You didn't tell him?"

"I've been busy! We haven't even really hung out in a while and I didn't want to tell him over the phone or just text him!" Noah defended.

"Noah, you're still in school! You can't be having kids so early it will ruin your future!" God, didn't think Noah of all people would be so stupid!

"Hey! Leave Noah alone, he chose not to wait you should respect that." Daniel chimed in.

"What about school?" I argued.

"He will finish high school but doesn't really need to since he is a warrior and they make very good money." Oliver shrugged.

"And what about you? You just got that restaurant job. What are you going to do about that?"

"I only took that job to have a bit of financial independence. I hated having to ask Noah for every little thing. Now I will just have to deal with it. I'll just pretend that I'm getting paid to nanny so I don't feel bad about it." Oliver sighed.

"Noah is 18 you can't seriously expect him to support you and a kid." I scoff. No job paid that much when starting out and with no education. God I was starting to sound like my parents

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