Wyatt and Beck

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"What babe."

"Get up."

"The pups just fell asleep..." I mumbled sleepily. They couldn't be up again already.

"James is here, it's time to hunt." Beck shook me once to emphasize the need for me to wake.

Was it seven already? Geez I was exhausted. I sluggishly dragged myself out of bed glancing at Beck who simply yawned and rolled over. Spoiled little thing.

"What was that?" Beck's eye's snapper open to throw me a deadly glare.

"Nothing baby, go back to sleep." I leaned down to peck him on the lips but he dodged sending me another glare and stubbornly covering his face with the blanket.  Guess I deserved that one.

I dragged  my feet to the door wishing to have just one morning of glorious sleep but knowing it was impossible. Now that the new pups had arrived it would be eighteen more years of this. what have I done?

I made my way outside not bothering with cloths or shoes since I would just have to take them off anyways. As I neared the forest's edge I could see James'  broad figure standing beside Jamie's more slender one. The hyper little monkey was bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation. with the new pups growing so fast we all thought it best Jamie learned to hunt sooner rather than later.

"Ready boys?" I asked around a yawn.



"Ok Jamie if you want to be a successful hunter I suggest you relax buddy. Animals can sense things, they could even feel your excited energy, it could make them nervous and run off prematurely." I try to explain it as best I can and Jamie just nods in acceptance.

We all shift and head toward the forest. The first hunt with Jamie went the exact opposite as my hunt with James. I should have expected as much seeing as the boys were polar opposites. Jamie had no control. Each attempt to tackle a deer ended in failure. I finally just told him to sit this one out when it looked like me and James wouldn't be catching anything.

"Don't worry too much bro. Your just too young and excited. You'll get it. And don't take having to sit out too hard I need to bag a kill or else Cole will kill me." James reassured Jamie.

I couldn't imagine sweet little Cole killing anyone though. Jamie seemed to feel the same because he gave his brother a questioning look.

"Cole's been hell recently. Probably the pregnancy." James said it as if it was so normal. As if he was saying 'the sun rose this morning.'

My jaw dropped as I turned towards the devil. "Wanna repeat that?!"

"What? Cole didn't run straight to papa and blubber to him about it?" James asked confused.


Then in a small voice Jamie cut in. "He didn't say anything to Connor either..."

To not talk about it with Beck was one thing but I didn't even question he would tell his other half. To hear that he hadn't told him was concerning.

"Why would he keep it a secret?" James wondered out loud.

"Me and Jamie will drag the kills back, you go talk to your mate. I don't want him pissed off that you told us before he was ready." I suggested. I knew from experience that Beck would have killed me if I told people he was pregnant when he wasn't around.

James sighed and ran for his cabin. We usually hunted together dragged the kills back to my house while Cole met up with us at the house to enjoy breakfast together.

When James was out of sight me and Jamie began the journey back with our kills.

"Hey dad?"


"What's wrong with you and papa?"

"We haven't had sex much, why?"

By his shocked face Jamie hadn't expected such an honest response.

"Why?" He asked but didn't look like he wanted to know.

"That's what pups do baby boy. They kill every sexual desire papa could possibly muster up as soon as they let out that first cry." I was being too blunt, I know, but it was frustrating.

"So all the arguing and being at each other's throat is from lack of sex?" Jamie asked in disbelief.

"Mostly. Papa and I are big on settling things in the bedroom." I shrugged. I should really get friends my own age to talk about this with but I had been seeing James and Jamie as more like buddies than sons this past year. Like now that they found mates they were more at my level and I could confide in them.

"Gross... okay no more talking, we walk back in silence."

I laughed and nodded. Fine by me.

Once home we were greeted by Beck and Connor. Connor looked at Jamie excitedly.

"What are we eating babe! Did my big strong alpha male catch something huge!" He shouted before we were entirely out of the forest.

Jamie blushed remembering his failure. I smiled and took pitty on him. "Yep! Right here."

Jamie gave me a questioning look.

"It's ok, I know how important it is for you to make Connor proud." I whispered and winked. I wasn't going to ruin this moment for Jamie.

"Thanks!" Turning back to his mate he smiles proudly. "What do you think babe? Pretty cool huh?" Jamie lifted the deer above his own head.

"Good job babe!" Connor gushed.

Jamie smiled and turned to me. "I owe you one dad. You can expect payment tonight."

"What?" I asked confused by what he mean, but he ran off to gloat to his mate before I could get an answer.

I found out later what he meant.

It was just after dinner when Jamie and Connor walked into the room carrying Henry and Haley are newest little pups. Beck raised a questioning brow. The boys rarely took it upon themselves to interact with the pups.

"We are taking the pups to James' and Cole's for the night. You guys take the night off." Connor surprised us by announcing.

"What?" Beck asked shocked.

"You heard us. Have fun you crazy kids." With that they left.

Beck seemed torn between going after them and just letting it be. We knew they were perfectly capable of taking care of  the pups for the night. "What now..? What even brought this on?"

I smiled remembering the conversation with Jamie in the forest. He really had repaid me. "I think he wanted to give us some alone time."

"Really?" Beck smirked. "We haven't been home alone in nineteen years."

Erotic wolf Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now