Lincoln and carver

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The alpha watched me closely for a moment before nodding his head and sighing. "Fine. I'm putting up cameras so i can monitor you from my phone when I'm not around. I will also have a therapist talk with you once a week, i know the doc said it was hormonal but maybe they can still help. "

"Thank you alpha! I will not let you down." I threw my arms around him in glee being careful not to squish the baby he was till holding.

"I know you won't. Your undying loyalty to me is what makes me believe that no matter how hard Hayes is on you your need to please me will not waver." He kissed the pup and handed her off to me. "I have to go for today, I'll trust you without the cameras for one more day but they will be installed in the nursery tonight."

I nodded and smiled down at the child in my arms.

"Don't hide your true feelings behind a mask. If you feel the need to cry as you are feeding her then cry. I can't trust you if you will not be honest." Lincoln stared directly into my eyes as he said this.

My forced smile fell and i nodded.  "Yes alpha."

It was hard to say the least. For months I was depressed. The therapist did help a bit and being under Lincolns constant watch made sure I took proper care if the child. It was six months before It all finally started to get better. Hayes was starting to feel less like an "it" to me and more of a human. I even found myself sitting down at her as she giggled away while I changed her.

Pretty soon I was back to my old self and the excitement that I had during the pregnancy had returned full force. I almost missed it when Lincoln took down the cameras. He seemed to have noticed the change as well.

"Thank God  that's over. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to kill yourself." Lincoln replied after I told him the therapist gave me the all clear.

"Sorry alpha." I mumbled a bit ashamed of myself.

Over the past six months, our relationship has also changed a bit. He was still cold but Hayes has managed to soften him up a bit.  He smiled at me more and has even been a bit gentler in bed. He kisses and gives me little touches once in a while as well.

As if reading my mind Lincoln leans down to peck lemon the lips while taking the baby from me. "Should we try for another?"


"Another baby. Your all better now. I had originally wanted to have you pregnant as soon as the first one was born but with all that was happening, I figured that was out of the question." Lincoln shrugged.

"Sorry for putting your plans on hold alpha. If you want another I would be happy to accommodate you." I bowed slightly.

Lincoln nodded. "Oh and I didn't really think about this beforehand but I really want our pups to have a normal life. I don't think I am giving that to them by having you live separately in the Omega quarters and you should stop calling me alpha..."

"that will take some getting used to but if that is what you wish!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He wanted me to live with him? And he was allowing me to treat him as an equal?

Lincoln seemed at a loss almost awkward about the whole situation. " Let's go make another baby while the first on is asleep."

Erotic wolf Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now