Doan and Asher 7

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It didn't take long before we were at Doan's place and getting started. Now the water was running as he showered in the on suit. Having already finished up in the guest bathroom I was sitting on his bed in a barrowed robe that swallowed me up.  The apartment didn't look very lived in making me think this was just a convenient place he kept in the city and not his actual home. There wasn't close to enough of his pheromones clinging to the room as an alpha would normally have either. Further solidifying the conclusion that this was in fact not his main residence.

Dropping my head back onto the bed I stared at the ceiling. Well, I wanted to rip this whole pregnancy off like a bandage. This wasn't exactly the way I had envisioned but it would pay out enough that there was no need to be picky over the semantics. Hopefully, after tonight Doan wouldn't back out of the agreement.

No, it would be fine. The time it took to get here and shower had cooled me off considerably. I would control myself and not let my dominant pride get the best of me. Having to keep myself in check would be far less enjoyable but I wasn't here for pleasure I was here for a paycheck.

The shower shut off and after a moment the door opened releasing the pheromones that were trapped inside. He had clearly decided to let loose the minute he stepped into the bathroom. It took a considerable amount of energy to keep your pheromones in check. No surprise that the minute he was in a safe place he let it all out. The scent was enough to pull me from my thoughts and get me into the mood. A side effect Doan was probably hoping for judging by the hint of expectation in it.

"Fair warning, I'm going to sit up and make eye contact with you." Wanting to avoid the same reaction from this afternoon I gave him a heads up.

He scoffed. "Listen you just caught me unaware at the coffee shop. I'm not usually some recessive alpha that drools over E-e-very... every omega...who..."

He was momentarily unable to finish his sentence before his pride kicked in. Taking a deep breath he steeled himself under my gaze. Refusing to break eye contact Doan completed his sentence. "Who looks at him. See I'm fine."

Physically he was doing a little better than he had at the coffee shop. Honestly, far better than the regular and recessive alphas whose eyes I had looked into in the past. His pheromones told a completely different story. One of desperate restraint. The eruption of his arousal was quickly staining the large bedroom. It would have been quite suffocating for any other omega.

Walking over to me he leaned down to sniff the air around me. "My pheromones aren't causing yours to react. Do you have that tight of a hold on them?"

He looked very disappointed. Clearly wishing he would have the same effect on me that I seemed to have on him. It was a little fun. Deciding to have mercy on my benefactor I smirked at him. "Yes, I have great control over them...but not over this."

He was close enough to me now that I reached out to grab his hand and place it on my hard-on. Sliding it down the cotton-covered length to where the robe opened a bit. Letting his fingers graze my entrance. The juices were flowing enough that his fingers came away wet.

He looked at me frozen, taken aback by my boldness. The room was so filled with the scent of his arousal it was difficult to divine any other emotion. "You seemed so sweet and submissive in the clinic."

I shrugged. We weren't in the clinic anymore. This was my domain. "We are here for a reason. If you don't mind I would prefer to skip the foreplay and fanfare and get right to business."

"What's the rush?"

"I'm ready, your clearly ready." His cock was standing proudly almost ready to pop just from my little tease. He had opted out of wearing anything leaving the bathroom. "No need to drag this out. No need to play hard to get."

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