The Walls We Built We Must Defend🧱

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"I wonder if you realize...."  Lysianassa says as she looks at her husband Tyrion looks at her curiously "you should read the date of our marriage"  she tells him he becomes slightly confused "here I'll give you my copy I always have it with me"  she says as she hands him their marriage certificate he reads it thoroughly then looks at the date his eyes widen when he realizes "it's the day we met!"  he says softly "different year but same day and month"  she replies with a smile he smiles "I do believe we lost our virginity again on the same day we lost it the first time or at least a day or two prior to it I don't really pay much attention to that day anymore"  she says he chuckles then says as he places his hand over hers "you should!"  she kisses his lips then replies "from now on I shall and you shall be the one to remind me to do so"  he grins "I thank you ladies for your time and hope my coin is good enough for you but I will bid you adieu for I now plan to spend time with my husband Bronn and his men will escort you back home so the so called Queen Regent won't bother you"  Lysianassa says as she stands up the women smile at her then watch a deeply enamored Tyrion and his wife leave the room hand in hand once they were gone Bronn and a few of his men walk in and do just as Lysianassa claimed they'd do make sure they got back home safe and sound "did you know that the Lady in Waiting for Sansa that your cousin vouched for is a prostitute as well!? she's not one of Tyrion's she's the one your father hired to try and separate us by taking my place in his bed when we came to the tents your father was in before he made my husband Hand of the King he also tried to tell my husband not to bring me here with him which you can see worked wonderfully! the only reason she's here was well at first she wanted to continue the job she had failed to do and now she's going to stay and pretend to be loyal to Sansa for being here protects her from all the "big bad wolves" or whatever is out there that supposedly wants to harm her plus the coin must be good too after all you're paying her right!?!"  Lysianassa says to Cersei as they pass her Cersei looks at her with a shocked expression on her face Lysianassa looks at Tyrion and says "maybe you should have sent her to Joffrey as a belated present for his Nameday"  Tyrion chuckles then they continue on their way out of the room.... the next day Tyrion and Lysianassa walk with Varys and Joffrey through the streets of the city "you're the Master of Whisperers you're supposed to know everything"  Joffrey says to Varys as they walk "no man can be in all rooms at all times I have many Little Birds in the North, my Lord but I haven't heard their songs since Theon Greyjoy captured Winterfell"  Varys replies "now I see why you call him Big Bird"  Tyrion whispers to his wife who smiles as Joffrey says "the Stark forces are distracted now is the time to strike"  Tyrion replies "to strike? my dear nephew, you do see these men preparing the walls for siege? you do understand that Stannis Baratheon sails this way?"  Joffrey says "if my uncle Stannis lands on the shores of King's Landing, I'll ride out to greet him"  Tyrion replies "a brave choice, your Grace I'm sure your men will line up behind you"  Joffrey says "they say Stannis never smiles"  he slides his sword part way out of its sheath then says "I'll give him a red smile from ear to ear"  Lysianassa rolls her eyes which surprisingly enough Joffrey seems to miss Varys bows slightly as Joffrey walks away from them "imagine Stannis' terror"  Tyrion says once his nephew is out of earshot "I am trying"  Varys replies Lysianassa chuckles Tyrion walks around Varys and stands at his other side as his wife walks over to the edge of the Battlements and looks at the view below "you're an intelligent man I'd like to think I'm an intelligent man"  Tyrion says "oh no one disputes that, my Lord not even the multitudes that despise you"  Varys replies Lysianassa smiles at their banter as Tyrion says "I wish we could converse as two honest, intelligent men"  Varys replies "I wish we could, too"  Tyrion looks up at Varys and asks "what do you want?"  Varys looks at him "tell me"  Tyrion says Varys bows down to Tyrion's height and says "if we're going to play, you'll have to start"  he smiles when he hears Lysianassa chuckle Tyrion taps her hand to let her know they were continuing on their trek and she turns then walks at his side as he says "my brother was the youngest Kingsguard in history my sister became queen at the age of 19 when I reached manhood, my father put me in charge of all the drains and cisterns in Casterly Rock"  Varys replies as they all stop once more and look out at the view along the edge of the Battlements "a most Highborn plumber"  Tyrion says "the water never flowed better"  Lysianassa chuckles Tyrion squeezes her hand with a smile as he continues "and all the shit found its way to the sea I never expected to have any real power so, when my father named me acting Hand--"  Varys says "you're quite good at being Hand, you know? Jon Arryn and Ned Stark were good men honorable men but they distained the Game and those who played you enjoy the Game"  Tyrion replies "I do last thing I expected"  Varys says "and you play it well"  Tyrion replies "I'd like to keep playing it if Stannis breaches the gates, the Game is over"  Varys says "they say he burns his enemies alive to honor the Lord of Light"  Tyrion replies as he looks at him "the Lord of Light wants his enemies burned the Drowned God wants them drowned why are all the gods such vicious cunts? where's the god of tits and wine?"  Lysianassa chuckles Tyrion smiles "in the Summer Isles, they worship the Fertility Goddess with 16 teats"  Varys replies "we should sail there immediately"  Tyrion says Lysianassa laughs Tyrion grins he was happy she didn't take offense to his words....

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