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Jia was finally back home. She had told Mr. Choi about her accident and he got mad at her for not telling him earlier but she somehow cooled him down. By now he had a faint idea she and Taehyung had something around because he had come to drop her off.

He had gone to church to thank god for saving his daughter and on his way back he had decided to give away food for charity in his daughter's name.

Being alone at home never felt this lonely until now for Jia. She loved how Taehyung would wake up in the middle of the night in one call because she felt suffocated and wanted to go for a walk. He wouldn't complain and comply immediately even if it meant going to his office with dark circles and sleep deprived.

How he changed his whole routine according to her and never brought that up as a complain. On the other hand Taehyung was shocked to realize how deeply he observed her actions.

Like he knew how she ate according to the situation. And that if she was hungry, she would take big bites and end the food in seconds while if she wanted to eat for flavour, she would take small bites and savour the taste.

And how she liked warm showers in the morning and cold ones at night with bathbombs because they brought her nice sleep.

And when it was windy, she preferred wearing summer dresses and going out to the forest side with her chamomile tea.

And how she would like her coffee to be very sweet with a side of red velvet cookies when she was sad and a bitter coffee with a side of butter cookies when she was alright.

He knew it all, more than he knew himself.

You could ask him anything about Jia. Whether it was related to her fascination or fantasy. He had studied her for years.

Jia groaned as she had to open the door when it rang. She frowned when she saw a covered painting.

"I didn't order it." Jia said.

"It's a gift from Mr. Kim." The guy said and left it inside her apartment before leaving.

She removed the cover and gasped. It was an artpiece from the auction she really liked when she was in Florence on her cruise trip.

The bidding went very high for that so she only dreamed about hanging that impression art from Mary Monet in her room.

'A small gift to remind you of my presence since you are away now.'

The note said and it arose questions in her. Was it a coincidence that he bought the same art piece she really wanted? Because her love for interior decors wasn't a hidden fascination.

"Can you move around that much in that condition?" Jimin asked from behind making ber flinch. "The door was open, sorry that I entered unannounced." He walked to her.

He got connected to her on call and she told him about getting into an accident and he wanted to come and take care of her but she lied about staying with her cousin and aunt since her father was away so he didn't disturb her just asked about her updates on health.

She didn't want to lie but at the same time she was unsure if she wanted to reveal her relationship to anyone before her dad. She didn't want her father to know about her love life through other people, that way he would be hurt and disappointed.

"I am healing real quick." She smiled shortly."How did you know I came home though?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

"Your guard told me." He said rubbing the back of his neck."I may have happen to pay him for that." He confessed and she raised her eyebrows.

"You are not doing that again." She told him and he nodded.

"As you say, it felt wrong but then I wanted to know it early when you arrived because you didn't attend my calls that much." He explained.

Tainted Hearts: A Tale Of Toxic Passion.Where stories live. Discover now