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"Oh god, this reel has reached 2 million views. I think I am going to grow on this platform alot. Can't wait for companies to send me their PR packages." Nina chirped as she showed her Instagram account to Namjoon who smiled. They were out on a dinner.

"I am very happy for you." He said eating his steak.

"Then you should gift me something." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Like what?" He asked.

She always turned down gifts he bought for her himself so he would rather ask her before than see it being lectured.

"Like a trip? Let's go to Malaysia. What say?" She asked.

"Sure, but not now. Dad will handover his business to me next month, I have a lot of work right now but after that we can go." He tried to explain his point to her.

"You keep saying this. You are such a daddy's boy. You care about everyone except me." She crossed her arms looking outside.

"Nina, we both know how much I love you, I can't keep proving you that all the time. I do all the things the way you like them but one thing out of your way and you are sulking. I keep worrying if you would get mad with this or that. Why do you have to act this unreasonable all the time." He bursted out finally.

"So you are irritated by me now? Great." She scoffed and stood up.

"I didn't say that, please sit down and don't make a scene." He said looking around.

"I don't fucking care, if you dislike me that much then maybe you shouldn't be with me. I am going." She walked off despite of Namjoon convincing her to not get mad.

She knew she had him around her fingers so he could come back to her anyway.

She had to hide her mistake and she did it by blaming her outburst on Namjoon instead. So now except of thinking of leaving Nina, he would think of ways to placate her.

On the other hand Jia and Taehyung were lying naked on the bed, covered in the blanket.

They were selecting a wedding venue. Jia wanted a destination wedding while Taehyung just wanted to marry her, he didn't care about the place.

"Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?" He asked Jia trailing his finger on her bare arm.

"Edinburgh. A dreamland for a lover for literature and historical vibes." She smiled.

As a korean she knew a really nice English. She was in love with English poetry and literature.

"Out of all the places you want to visit that bleak European land? Why is that so." He asked surprised.

"It has always been my dreamplace, I wanted to study there, I had even gotten an admission in an imperial college but then I fell sick and missed the chance and couldn't go." She sighed.

"That's bad." He said kissing her neck."I will make your wish come true then." She smiled.

"By the way do you also have an unfinished dream like mine?" She asked curiously.

"Everybody has, let's not discuss that." He said putting a finger on her lips.

Taehyung's childhood life was filled with unfulfilled desires. Dad was too busy trying to control his wife and business and mom was too tired coping up with her traumatic married life, both of them forgot he deserved some love and good parenting too.

Most of the friends he had were opportunistic and the rest failed to understand his character, also because he never shared what bothered him.

That's when he knew he had to control his life in order to be happy or else people around him will keep ruining his life.

Tainted Hearts: A Tale Of Toxic Passion.Where stories live. Discover now