10| In for the kill

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Travis drove Beau home, making sure he was okay and didn't want to stay over first.

Beau thanked him for the talk- though there hadn't really been anymore to say. Travis wasn't the type of guy to say something like there are plenty of fish in the sea. He acknowledged his pain and said Beau needed to address it and not let it fester.

Beau was so happy his sister had met him. Travis and Stacy had actually been friends since middle school and it had blossomed into a romance just before his parents died.

He had a sponge bath before bed, wanting to prolong the life of the second skin bandage he had on. He looked at the tattoo in his bedroom mirror. Stacy had done an amazing job. The white ink of the fox popped even more than he thought it would, the red of the eyes so close to blood coloured.

He felt good after his cry- not about not being able to find Bianca, but about not being isolated by it. He'd have to apologise to Toby. He wasn't home when Beau arrived and David had been passed out drunk on the living room sofa. Beau draped a throw over him and made sure he had some water near him.

He went to bed naked. With the tatt, he didn't want to wear pants. He had brought some tissues into his room in case he had a repeat of the night before.

He was dozing when he heard a sound at his window. He froze, trying to keep his breathing even as he listened out.

The sound again.

That was definitely his window being opened. He sat up, reaching to switch his lamp on when a shape launched at him. It grabbed his wrists and pinned them together above his head, driving him back to a lying position. His breath caught as he inhaled to yell out. A hand clamped over his mouth, one hand still pinning his wrists down. He tried to push up but found his strength no match.


He tensed.

"I'm going to remove my hand."

His heart skipped a beat. He knew that voice.

She moved her hand away, settling it onto his chest.


She didn't respond straight away, but she made a little noise in her throat.

He couldn't see her properly, it was too dark. But as his eyes became accustomed, he could see her shape above him. She was crouched over him, her feet on either side of his hips.

"Say that again."

He took a moment to understand what she wanted. His tone changed as he said her name again. "Bianca."

Her body melted down, now straddling him.

Still holding his wrists with one hand, she gripped the flesh of his chest, over his heart. She then trailed up to touch his face, running her fingers over his lips and tracing the line of his jaw from his chin to his temple. She ran her fingers through his hair. He felt her put her face into his neck and take a shaky breath in.

Her lips brushed his skin and he moved his face to kiss her. She pulled her head back, not allowing him.

"What's going on?" He whispered.

She was breathing raggedly. He vaguely saw her shake her head.

"Let me up and let's turn the light on."

She shook her head again.

He felt angry. "What the fuck is this?"

Her face dipped into the crook of his neck. She'd pulled his arms to just above his head, her arm half encircling the side of his face.

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