3. The Greene Farm

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The next day we all gathered around to go look for Sophia. "You coming with lil' sis?" Daryl asked as he placed one hand on my shoulder.
I turn to look at him and nod. "Yes, i just have to grab my crossbow out of the RV." I answered and smiled at him before walking off. Daryl's eyes followed me as i made my way into the RV.

"Goodluck out there, and bring Sophia back." Dale said and gave me a gentle pat on my back while helping me out of the RV.

"Yes, we'll do our best. Stay safe Dale." I flashed him a smile and walked back towards Daryl.

"Keep an eye on Carl." Lori asked Dale, before looking down at Carl. "I'm going with you." Carl replied shaking his head.

"Come on, Joo is going.." He added softly, probably not wanting me to hear it.
"Yes, and Joo knows what she's doing." Lori raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"But you need people right, cover as much ground as possible." Carl said. Rick sighed and nodded. "Okay, okay. But always within our sight, no exceptions." Rick said as he pulled Carl towards him.

Carl looked up at Rick and nodded aswell, before turning towards me and Dale with a smirk. Dale chuckled and winked at the both of us before getting back to fixing his RV.

After a while, me, Shane, Lori, Rick, Carl, Daryl, Glenn, Carol and Andrea get into the woods to continue our search for Sophia.

We walk around for a bit until we suddenly come across a tent. Daryl signed us to be silent as him and Rick slowly walked towards it. "She could be in there." Rick said softly.

"There could be alot of things in there." Daryl mumbled and grabbed his knife. Daryl looked at me over his shoulder and nodded as a sign for me to stay back.

Daryl signed at Carol for her to come closer.
"Call out softly." Rick whispered.
"If she's in here, yours is the first voice she should hear." Rick added and took a step back so Carol could make her way towards the entrance.

"Sophia? Sweetie.. Are you in there?" She softly asked. "Sophia, it's mommy." She added but there was no response.

Daryl slowly opened the tent and looked into it, and stepped out of it shaking his head.

"It ain't her." He said.
"What's in there?" Lori asked. "Some guy, he to-" Daryl couldn't finish his sentence. He got cut off by bells ringing in the distance.

Rick pointed at the direction where it came from and started to run towards it, while the rest followed. After 2 minutes of running we reached a church the sound apparently came from. Rick ran towards the door and opened it, checking inside.

I followed behind him closely, holding my crossbow tightly against my chest.

There were some walkers inside, Rick and Daryl quickly took care of them. I checked out the bells and sighed. "There's a timer on them." I said and glanced over at the rest of the group.

Carl groaned as we both sat down on the porch of the church. "Stupid timer." He mumbled.
Rick stood next to us, Shane made his way towards us before speaking.

"We gotta move here man, there's only so many hours of daylight left." He sighed and looked around the field. "Still got a long way back." Shane added.

"I can't stop yet." Rick whispered and looked down at his hands. "I can't go back." He added.
"Her being out here is my fault." Rick continued, looking back at Shane.

Shane scoffed. "That's great." Shane shook his head. "Now they got you doubting yourself huh?" He asked, sounding sarcastic.

"What about you? You doubt me?" Rick asked while placing his hands on his hips.
Shane sighed and shook his head again while walking  away towards the rest, me and Carl followed.

"Ya'll gotta follow the creek bed back.
Daryl, you're in charge." He said before looking back at me. "Keep and eye on your big brother for me will ya?" Shane asked.

I chuckled and nodded. "Yes sir." I replied. "What about you?" Daryl asked.

"Me and Rick, are just gonna hang back." Shane answered. "Search this area another hour." He said.

"You're splitting us up? You sure?" Daryl asked. Shane nodded. "Yeah, we catch up to you."
Shane replied. "I want to stay too." Carl said.

Lori shook her head. "No, it's getting dark soon, no way." She said pulling him closer against her. "But i'm her friend." Carl replied. Lori looked at me. "What do you think Joo?" She asked.

I looked at Rick and Shane. "Um, i don't know."
I replied softly. "Can you stay here aswell and keep an eye out for Carl? I'l promise i'll keep and eye on Daryl for you." She winked.

"Alright." I sighed and glanced over at Daryl who nodded in approval. "Just be careful okay?" Lori asked and gave me and Carl both a kiss on the cheek. "I will." Carl answered and smiled.

Me, Carl, Shane and Rick walked into the other direction back into the woods. After a while we hear footsteps coming our way. Rick put his finger on his mouth signing for us to be quiet.
I held onto my crossbow a bit tighter as the footsteps seemed to get closer.

Rick raised his gun immidiatly when the creature walked up to us. "Ho!" The stranger yelled and held up his hands. "I'm not dead!" He said.
"Who the hell are you." Shane asked firmly while he looked at the man.

"I'm Otis, i've been tracking down this deer."
He answered. Rick lowered his gun and tilted his head slightly. "You have a camp?" Rick asked. Otis nodded. "I live on a farm, with my wife Patricia and some friends." He answered.
"Do you?" He asked.

Rick shook his head. "No, we're looking for a girl, have you seen her?" He asked.

"No, i've haven't seen anyone today, i've been in these woods all day." Otis replied. "Maybe my people back at the farm know something, i can take you there?" Otis suggested.

Rick nodded. "I'm Rick, this is Shane." He said pointing at Shane. "And that's my son, Carl, and a friend of ours Joo." He added.

Otis looked at us and have us a soft smile. "Alright, the farm is not far from here, about a 15 minute walk." Otis said as we begun to follow him.

After 15 minutes, like Otis said, we arrived at the farm, it was a big white house.
"Otis?" A man asked walking towards us.
"Yes, it's me." Otis said and looked back at us. "This is Rick, Shane, Joo and Carl."
"They're looking for a girl." He added.

The man nodded and walked closer to us as he held out his hand. "I'm Hershel." He said and shook our hands. "We're looking for a young girl, her name is Sophia, have you seen her?" Rick asked.

Hershel shook his head. "Not that i'm aware off." He answered and looked back over his shoulder. "Come in, maybe my daughter have seen her." He said as he walked into the house.

"Maggie?" He yelled. "Yes dad?" Maggie answered from out of the kitchen. "Have you seen a young girl named Sophia?" Hershel asked. Maggie raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "No, why?" She asked as she glanced over at us.

After a while we have explained everything to Hershel and his family. "Well, we would be glad to help you find that girl." Maggie said.
"And, you said you didn't have a place to stay? Am i correct?" Hershel asked.


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