10. Fresh Mint In The Lemonade

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When we arrived back Rick stopped the car.
The group was waiting for us and let out a sigh
of relief once they see we all made it back.
Lori smiles and gives Rick a hug.

Carl ran towards me and hugged me too.
"You alright?" He asked. I chuckled and nodded. "Ofcourse, i'm a Dixon after all." I smirked and glanced over at Daryl who gave me a smile.
"Glad you're back." Daryl said and glanced
over at Rick and Glenn who also got out.

Maggie runs up to Glenn and smiled.
"You're alright!" She smiled and ran past
her father. Glenn didn't hug her back and just walked away. Maggie gave me a confused look.

I shrug my shoulders and patted her arm.
"He's shocked, he almost got shot." I whispered. "What?" Maggies eyes widen as she glanced over at Glenn who walked into the house.
"He'll be alright." I nodded and smiled as
we both walked inside aswell.

Once we all gathered Rick tells the whole group about what happened. Shane scoffed and shook his head. "Are you guys stupid!" He yelled.
"What if they followed you guys back here?!
You killed three of their man!!" He sighed.
"They drove off! They're not coming back!"
Rick yelled back.

Shane scoffed again and walked away.
"Look at this folks! We're back in fantasy land!" He chuckled sarcastically.

Hershel got up and raised his voice.
"You know, we haven't even dealt with what
you did to my barn yet!" Hershel yelled.
"Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all." Hershel added as Shane turned to look at him. "This is my farm! Now i wanted you gone!" Hershel yelled.

Shane just looked at him with a smirk.
"Rick talked me out of it but that doesn't
mean i have to like it!"Hershel crossed his arms. "So do us both a favor and keep your mouth SHUT!" He said.

Shane chuckled and walked away.
"Let's all just take a break and cool off."
Rick nodded and so did the rest.
Everyone left the room, me, Maggie
and Glenn sat at the kitchen table.
"Can we talk?" Maggie whispered.

Glenn sighed and nodded and looked up at Maggie. "What's going on with you?" She asked. Glenn sighed. "Your dad saved my life today."
He answered. "And i, i froze." He whispered and looked down to his hands.
"Well, you were being shot at." Maggie said calmy trying to meet his gaze, but he kept looking down. "You don't have anything to prove." Maggie shook her head.

"All i've done.." Glenn begun. "And this.."
He sighed. "It's because of what you said." He nodded. "That i love you?" Maggie asked as she furrowed her brows.
Glenn nodded. "A bullet hit the wall behind me and i thought of you." He sighed.
"Losing me, hurting.. And i couldn't take it
so i hid!" Glenn shook his head.
Maggie smiled and grabbed his face
but Glenn pulled back.

"No, no no." He softly said and stepped back. "No, you don't get it!" He added.
"Rick, Joo, your dad! They were counting
on me!" He yelled softly.

"Glenn, come on. We made it back." I whispered. "I know, but still." He sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry, i just need a minute." He said
before he left the room.

Maggie sighed and rested her back on
the kitchen counter.
"He'll be alright." I said, walking over to her.
Maggie didn't answer and sighed.
"Is he mad at me?" She worried.
"No, not at all, he's just shocked." I smile.
"That's all, don't worry. I will talk to him."

Maggie nodded and took a deep breath.
"Thank you, Joo. I'll go check on Beth."
She smiled and walked away.

A few minutes later Maggie comes back.
Lori also comes in and smiles at the both of us. "Hi ladies." Lori smiled and glanced up at Maggie who was still a bit sad about Glenn.
"Everything alright dear?" Lori asked.
"Did Rick say anything to you about Glenn
when they got back from town?" Maggie asked as we all walked over to the counter to prepare dinner.

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