13. End Of An Era

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We all stood up and made our way back to the farm. Once we arrived Daryl opens the door for us and walks inside.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asked.
"No." Lori sighed. "We heard a shot." Glenn said. "Maybe they found Randall?" Lori shrugged.

"We found him." Daryl replied.
"Is he back in the shed?" Andrea asked.
"He's a walker." I replied.
"Did you find the walker that bit him?"
Hershel asked.

"No, the weird thing is, he wasn't bit."
Glenn sighed and glanced over at me and Daryl. "His neck was broke." Daryl added.

"The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of eachother." Daryl said.
"And Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't
come up behind him. They were together."
I said and looked up at Hershel and Lori.
"Would you please get back out there and
find Rick and Shane? And find out what on
Earth is going on." Lori asked Daryl.

"You got it" Daryl nodded and started to walk away, he glanced back at me before he spoke. "You stay here." He said firmly and pulled Glenn with him. "What, why?" I asked but he already closed the door.

They immidiatly got back inside.
"Um, we might have a little bit of a problem." Glenn said.

He waved us over as all of us made it to the front porch. "Patricia, kill the lights!"
Hershel whispered. "I'll get the guns."
Andrea said and turned back inside.
"Maybe they're just passing, like the herd on the highway. Should we just go back inside?"
Glenn asked. "Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs i don't know about." Daryl replied.

"A herd that size would rip the house down."
He added and kept looking at the herd in the distance. Lori came back out of the house.
"Carl's gone!" She panted. "What?" I turned around. "He was upstairs, i can't find him anymore!" Lori replied.

"Maybe he's hiding?" Glenn asked.
"He's supposed to be upstairs!" Lori yelled.
"I'm not leaving without my boy!" She added
and shook her head. "We're not, we're gonna find him." I replied and grabbed her hand.
Lori took a deep breath and got back inside
the house with Carol to look for Carl.

In the meantime Maggie handed out the guns. "So, we're just gonna kill all of 'em?" Daryl asked. "You can go if you want." Hershel replied.
"Nah, i'm just asking. You gonna take 'em all on?" Daryl repeated himself.

"We have guns, we have cars."
Hershel replied as he reloaded his shotgun.
"Kill as many as we can." Andrea nodded.
"And we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm." Andrea added.

"Are you serious?" Daryl asked Hershel.
"This is my farm, i'll die here." Hershel replied.

Everyone got in the car. I sat with Glenn and Maggie. Glenn and i rolled down the windows while Maggie drove around the farm.
"Keep it steady!" Glenn yelled.
"I'm trying!" Maggie replied as she tried to
keep the car steady while me and Glenn started shooting at the walkers trough the windows.

We kept driving circles until Daryl drove next to us with his motorcycle.
"Yo! Must've been Rick or Shane who started
that fire." Daryl yelled as he glanced over at
the barn. "Maybe they're trying to get out back!" He added before he gave us a nod and drove off.

After a few minutes we see the rest of the cars drive off the farm. "Where the hell are they going?" I ask.
"Should we follow them?"
Maggie asked from behind the wheel.
"I'd say yes." Glenn nodded.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Glenn yells when our car gets surrounded by walkers.
"Oh my god." Maggie whined.
"I can't get trough!" She cried softly.

"Head out!" I yell from behind them.
"What?!" She asked. "Get of the farm, NOW!"
I yelled. "Don't say that." Maggie shook her head. "Maggie it's lost!" Glenn yelled.
"The others, we can't leave them!"
Maggie replied.

Maggie sighed and turned the car around.
"Get off the farm now!" Glenn yelled.
Maggie turned around and drove off the farm. "Oh my god." Maggie mumbled as she kept sobbing feeling guilty about leaving the rest behind.

"All right, let's just circle back to the highway." Glenn sighed softly. "Did you see my dad? Did.. Did he make it?" Maggie cried. "Did you see?" Maggie asked as she looked over at me.

"I couldn't see anything." I sighed and looked down. "And Beth, i lost Beth. We've gotta go back there." She softly said.
"We can't go back okay? There's nothing to go back to." Glenn replied. "What if nobody made it?" She cried.

"They made it, okay?" I replied and tapped
her shoulder from behind her.
"All right, let's just circle around to the
highway where we left supplies for Sophia." Glenn nodded.

Maggie whimpered and shook her head.
"No, the herd came from that direction!"
She answered and glanced over at Glenn
who looked back at me and sighed.
"Just, stop. Stop the car." He said.

Maggie stops the car. "Let me drive."
Glenn said and got up from his seat and got out of the car. Maggie moved up to the passenger seat. Maggie started sobbing and burried her face in her hands.

"Hey.." Glenn said as he put his hand on her leg. "Hey, Maggie, look at me." He said softly.
Maggie sniffled and looked up to Glenn.
"We're alive, we made it." He smiled softly trying to calm her down. "And i'm sure the rest is too."
I nodded and rubbed her back from behind.

Glenn glanced up at me and nodded before he looked back at Maggie.
Maggie nodded aswell and tried to calm down.
"I love you." Glenn smiled at Maggie.
"Maggie i love you." He smiled softly.
"I should've said that a long time ago and it's been true for a long time." He continued.
"We're gonna be okay." He smiled and kissed
her cheek.

Maggie chuckled softly and look back at me who was watching them with a big smile on my face what made them both chuckle a bit.

Until Death Do Us Part - Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now