4. Big Piñata

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Shane nodded in responds of Hershel's question. "You and your people are welcome to stay here as long as you need." Hershel smiled.
"As long as you help us out with the farm ofcourse." He raised his brows and chuckled
before taking a sip of his drink.

"Thank you, that means alot." Rick smiled gratefully. "How are we going to tell the group?" Shane asked. "I can inform them." Maggie replied. "As long as you tell me where i can find them." She smiled and stood up.

"They're on the highway." Rick answered.
"I can come too, no offense."
"But they probably won't trust you, since they don't know you." I added.

Maggie chuckled. "No offense taken." She smiled. "You're right, you ever ridden a horse before?" She smirked.

I shook my head and chuckled. "Nope!"
I answered.
Maggie nodded. "Alright, i'll be back in a minute." She said and walked out of the house.

"Thanks Joo." Rick said.
"No problem." I smiled as i followed Maggie out onto the front porch. After about a minute Maggie came back walking next to a horse.

"You ready?" She smiled.
"Yep." I answered while walking closer to her. She got onto the horse and patted the space behind her. "Hop on little lady!" She laughed.

I laughed along as i got onto the horse behind her. The horse begun to walk as we started to make our way towards the highway.

"You know, i've never introduced myself properly." Maggie smiled. "I'm Maggie, and that man, Hershel."
"That's my father."

I nodded. "I'm Joo, you're family seems nice."
I smiled back at her.
"Nice to meet you Joo, what about you? Do you have any family?" She asked.

"I have two.." I stopped for a second. Maggie looked over at me and raised her eyebrows. "What's wrong?" She asked while turning back to look infront of her.

I shook my head. "Nothing, it's just complicated." I answered.

"We still have 10 minutes to go, i'm all ears." She smiled.

"Well, i have two brothers, Daryl and Merle."
I sighed. "Daryl is back at the highway, but we haven't seen Merle in a few days, he got left behind back in Atlanta, so i don't even know if i'm ever going to see him again." I softly said.

Maggie nodded trying to understand what i'm saying. "I'm sorry Joo.." She replied.

"It's alright, i'm sure he's still alive, he's a tough one." I chuckled softly.

Maggie smiled. "I could tell, by looking at you."
"What about your parents? If you don't mind me asking." Maggie continued.

"Oh, well.. I never got to know my mom, she died giving birth to me." I softly answered.
"And my dad, well." I sighed.
"He was there, but also wasn't really there, if you get what i mean." I added. Maggie nodded again.
"My dad passed away when i was five, due to overdose." I explain.

"So you're brothers have been taking care of you since then?" She asked.
"Yeah." I answered. Maggie sighed and stayed silent for a second, not wanting to bombard an eight-year-old.

"Hey Joo, i guess we're here." She smiled as she stopped the horse from walking before she got off of the horse.

"Joo?" Glenn asked as he walked up to us. "Who's this." Daryl asked bluntly.
"This is Maggie, she's a friend." I replied.
"They live at this farm, 20 minutes from here."
I said. "They want to help us look for Sophia, and they're offering us a place to stay." I added.

Glenn blushed and looked over at Maggie who stood next to her horse.
"That's right, we want to help you find that little girl." Maggie said and looked back over at me. "And we can always use some extra friends on the farm." She chuckled looking back at Glenn.

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