1. How It Started

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I'm sitting down in the back of the car, humming along with the radio until Merle turns the volume up. "Did you hear that brother?" Merle asked from behind the wheel and glanced over at Daryl. "They have been saying the same shit for the past few years, i call it bull." Daryl replied, placing his feet up on the dashboard.

We continued to make our way home. I sit up and glance out of the windows taking in my surroundings. It seemed like everything has switched up, the sky was grey, the streets were very quiet, what was weird for this time of day.

"Nah man, i don't know." Merle mutters under his breath and parked the car in front of our house.


It's been two days since we heard the announcement on the radio. Merle made us pack some bags, and drove us to our shed in the woods, we mostly visited when we went out hunting.

It didn't take long before the radio stopped, leaving us clueless and alone in the woods.

"So what's the plan now?" Daryl sighs as he kicks the radio off the table in annoyance. "There isn't a plan for this little brother, we just gotta stay here until shit starts to calm down." Merle replies and plops down on the couch.

"No need to worry, we got lil' Dixon over her, right sister?" Merle smirks and looks over at me.

I giggle and nod. "All that training didn't go to waste." He mumbled.


"Daryl, wake up!" I yell while shaking him, causing him to sit up. "What?" He growls.

"Get your ass up, little brother. We got some company." Merle groans before opening the door and trying to stab some walkers, they just kept coming though.

Daryl jumped up and immidiatly started to help me pack.

"Come on ugliebuglies! Come to Merle!" Merle chuckles and kicks the walkers out of the doorway.


"Out the back!" Daryl yells and holds the door open for me. I run outside, i can barely fit through the door because of the amount of bags i'm carrying at this point.

"Yo, Merle over here!" He yells, causing Merle to perk up.

"I was having fun!" He sighs, but follows us out of the shed.


We walked around the woods for a bit hoping to find another shed, but instead of that we met a man, his name was Shane.

"How do we know you're not going to kill us?" Merle growls.

"Trust me, i would've done already if i wanted to." Shane replied, showing off his sherrif badge.

Merle huffed and continued to follow him in silence.

Shane brought us back to his group, the group wasn't really big, around 25 people.


After 3 days of getting to know everyone around the camp, i got pretty close with Lori and Carl.

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