8. The Barn

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"Where is everyone?" Andrea asked as she followed T-Dog.
"You haven't seen Rick?" Glenn raised his brows. "He went off with Hershel." I replied. "Remember?" I added glancing over at Glenn.

"We were supposed to leave three hours ago." Andrea replied.

"Yeah you were, what the hell?" Daryl crossed his arms.

"Rick told us he was going out." Carol said.

"Damn it! Isn't anybody taking this seriously?" Daryl yelled. "We got us a damn trail!" He said and glanced over at the distance where Shane was coming from, followed by Dale.
"Ah, here we go." I sighed.

Shane made his way towards us holding guns. "What's all this?" Daryl asked.
"You with me man?" Shane asked and handed him a shotgun.
"Yeah." Daryl mumbled and took the gun from him.

"Time to grow up!" Shane yelled and made his way towards us. "You already got yours?" Shane asked Andrea who was holding her gun.
"Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies." Shane continued.
"When we thought this place was supposed to be safe!" Shane raised his voice.
"But now we know it ain't!" he added glancing over at the barn.

"How about you man." Shane asked Glenn who was standing next to Maggie.
"You gonna protect yours?" Shane continued. Glenn hesitated but grabbed the gun.

"Can you shoot?" He asked Maggie.
"Can you stop?" She immidiatly responded.
"You do this, you hand over these guns. My dad will make you leave tonight!" She yelled.

"Now look, Hershel, he's gotta understand!" Shane said. And walked over at Carl who was standing behind me.
"Now, i want you to take this." He said as he kneeled down infront of Carl and handed him a gun. "You take it Carl, and you and your mother safe." He said firmly. Lori interrupted him and shook her head. "Rick said no guns! This is not your call!" Lori said. "This is not your decision to make!" She raised her voice.

T-Dog rubbbed his back and looked over his shoulder. "Oh shit!" He yelled seeing Rick and Hershel make their way back holding walkers on a stick. We all turned around and ran towards them.

"What the hell you doing!" Shane screamed. "Shane just back off!" Rick replied back.
"Shane just let us do this and we'll talk." Rick added. "What you want to talk about Rick?" Shane yelled. "These things ain't sick! They're not people!" Shane continued to yell and walk circles around them. "They're dead!" He yelled.

"They're the things that killed Amy! They killed Otis!" He said angrily.
"Shane shut up!" Rick yelled.
"Hey Hershel man, let me ask you something." Shane said. "Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this?" Shane asked as he held up his gun and shot the walker in it's chest three times.

"That's three round in the chest." Shane yelled. "Could someone who is alive just take that? Why is it still coming?" Shane yelled and pointed at the walker who was still growling.
He shot the walker two times more and kept yelling. "Why is it still coming?" He shot again.

"Shane enough!" I yelled. "Yeah, you're right Joo." He said and chuckled sarcastically.
"That is enough." He said and shot the walker through it's head causing it to fall on the ground.

"Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!" He yelled. Carol gasped softly and looked down. "Enough! Living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us." He said and walked over to the barn. "Now if y'all want to live, if y'all want to survive! You gotta fight for it."
He yells holding onto his shotgun tighter.
"I'm talking about fighting! Right here, right now!" He yelled before he ran up to the barn and opened the doors.

"No, Shane! Do not do this brother!" Rick yelled still holding onto the stick with the walker on it. "Don't do it man!" Glenn yelled.
I sighed and picked up my crossbow and walked over to Carl. "Get behind me." I said as i pointed my crossbow towards the door.

The walkers started to come out and the group started to shoot. Glenn hesitated, because he was afraid Maggie would get mad if he helped Shane. "Maggie.." He softly said. "It's okay." She answered and Glenn started to help.
I turned around to see Rick still holding onto that stick, i pointed my crossbow on the walkers head and shot it causing it to fall on the ground.
Rick nodded gratefully as he finally let go of the stick and grabbed his gun.

Hershel dropped to the ground on his knees and
watched us kill the walkers from his barn.
Maggie held his side and tried to calm him down.

After a few minutes, the barn seemed to be cleared. There were no more walkers coming out of it atleast. We all lowered our weapons as we stared at the mess we've made. We said nothing untill we heard some growling coming from inside the barn. We were all flabbergasted as we came to realizes the last walker that came out of the barn was Sophia, the girl we've been looking for all this time.

I lowered my crossbow, Carol gasped.
She ran towards us and sobbed. "Sophia!"
She cried. Daryl grabbed her and hugged her trying to calm her down.
I stared at the ground as i heard Carl softly crying from behind me. I sighed and turned around to hug him as i kept watching the rest.
"Don't watch." I softly whisper to Carl as he burried his face into my chest.

Rick shook his head softy and walked up to Sophia as he raised his gun. He fired his gun and Sophia dropped to the ground.
Daryl helped Carol up as she kept crying.
"Don't look." Daryl whisperd.
Carol pushed him away and ran back to her tent.

Hershel stood up and started to make his way back towards the house.
"We've been out, We've been combing these woods looking for her!" Shane yelled following Hershel. "And she was in there all along?!"
He shook his head. "You knew!" He squinted his eyes.

"Leave us alone!" Maggie yelled as she held onto Hershel. "Hey Shane just stop man!" Glenn said softly as he followed Maggie and Hershel.
"You knew! And you kept it from us!"
Shane yelled pointing at Hershel.
"I didn't know." Hershel replied softly.
"That's bullshit!" Shane screamed in anger.
"I think y'all knew!" Shane added.

"We didn't know!" Maggie replied giving Shane a mean glare. "Otis, put those people in there." Hershel calmly answered.
"Maybe he found her and put here in there before he got bit!" He added.
"You expect me to believe that?" Shane raised his eyebrows. "What do i look like man!" Shane yelled.

"I don't care what you believe!" Hershel held up his hands and raised his brows.
"Everybody just calm down!" Rick interrupted them. "Get him off my land!" Hershel yelled and pointed at Shane. "Let me tell you something!" Shane said and walked over to Hershel as if he was going to hurt him.

"Hey! Don't touch him!" I yelled and stepped infront of Hershel. And pushed Shane out of the way. "Haven't you done enough?" I ask.

"I mean it, off my land." Hershel hissed at Shane before he got back inside of the house. Me and Glenn followed.

"I have to ask you." I whisper to Maggie as me, Glenn and Maggie made our way into the livingroom.

Maggie nodded and turned to me.
"Did you know she was in the barn?" I asked. Maggie sighed and shook her head as she sat down next to Glenn.

"Maybe it's for the best." Glenn sighed.
"Atleast we know and now we can move on."
He said softly. "So what happens now?" Maggie asked as she glanced back over at Glenn.
"We bury her." He replied.

"With your stepmom and stepbrother." I added and grabbed Maggie's hand. She nodded and smiled and gave me a kiss on my head.

"What do you think you're dad's gonna do now?" I asked softly.
"He wants your group off the farm, Shane at least." She sighed. "But don't worry, i'll change his mind. And he actually likes you so." She smiled. "So don't worry about that okay?" Maggie asked softly as she looked into my eyes.

I nodded. "I won't." I smiled.
"Good." She chuckled and looked back at
Glenn who was looking out of the window.

Suddenly we hear glass breaking from the kitchen..


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